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A parallel implementation of 2D convolution for image blurring based on MPI, openMP and hybrid approaches.


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A parallel 2-dimensional convolution implementation in C++17 for image blurring based on MPI, openMP and hybrid approaches.


Blurring is a very common operation in many fields, ranging from image vision to medical science to astrophysics. Although the blurring concept is commonly associated to a post- processing step in digital photography, mathematically blurring is well defined as a cross correlation between the input signal $I$ and the kernel $K$. More formally we define the cross correlation operator $\ast$ as:

$$( I\ast K)(\mathbf x)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} I(\mathbf x + \boldsymbol\tau) K(\boldsymbol\tau)d\boldsymbol\tau.$$

In this repository we implemented parallel blurring for 2D onechannel images (2-dimensional matrices), i.e. the cross correlation operator is re-defined as:

$$( I\ast K)(i, j) = \sum_{m=1}^{N} \sum_{n=1}^{N} I(i+m, j+n) \cdot K(m, n)$$

where $I$ is the input matrix, and $K$ is a square kernel matrix of dimension $N$.

The serial implementation of the algorithm is straightforward, and the core component of the code is a simple four nested loop (see serial_conv.hpp): The procedure employed to build such a structure is the following:

.... // other stuff
for (row = 0; row < input_rows; ++row)
        for (col = 0; col < input_cols; ++col)
            tmp = 0.0;  // temporary variable to accumulate the sum
            for (stride_row = 0; stride_row < kernel_size_row; ++stride_row)
                for (stride_col = 0; stride_col < kernel_size_col; ++stride_col)
                    x = col - dx + stride_col;
                    y = row - dy + stride_row;
                    if (x >= 0 && x < input_cols && y >= 0 && y < input_rows)
                        index_input = y * input_cols + x;
                        index_kernel = stride_row * kernel_size_col + stride_col;
                        tmp += input[index_input] * kernel[index_kernel];
            output[row * input_cols + col] = tmp; //output matrix
.... // other stuff

Note: PGM format is used for images. Matrix are saved in a std::vector templated with unsigned short int if two byte are needed for representing the image (maximum value > 255), otherwise unsigned char (one byte representation) is enough. The kernel representation is templated (default float), it is easily changable by changing the flag prec in the make command, check Compile.



The strategy employed for the parallelization with MPI consists in dividing in stripes the input matrix $I$ and assign each stripe to the processors $P$. Then, after HALO exchange, simple convolution on a smaller submatrix is perfomed. In Figure [1] we show a simple example of the domain decomposition. The extra workload (i.e. matrix dimension not perfectly divisible by number of processors) is assigned increasigly (one row each from $P0$ to ...).

Figure 1: Example of stripe division of the input image.


The strategy implemented divides the workload by the use of a #pragma parallel for and using openmp threads.


Curretly different kernels are available:

  1. Mean kernel: Mean
  2. Weight kernel: Weight
  3. Gaussian kernel: Gaussian

Mean kernel

In the mean kernel the weights of each entries are $1/N^2$, where $N$ is the kernel size. Using this filter amounts to equally average the pixels around the central one and to replace it with the result.

Weight kernel

In the weight the weights assigned to each pixel are no equal as the mean kernel. A typical example is the common centrally-weighted Kernel in which the center entry of the filter holds a significant fraction $f$ of the total value and the rest $1-f$ is equally divided among the remaining entries of $K$. Using a centrally-weighted Kernel means that each pixel is dominating the new value assigned to it after the convolution. Notice that $f \in (0,1]$, and $w = (1-f)/(N^2-1)$. When using a weight kernel, an extra parameter $f$ (focus) has to be passed at execution time (error raising otherwise)

Gaussian kernel

In the gaussian kernel the weights of each entries are assigned by using a Gaussian function (in 2D in this case):

$$K(x, y) = \frac{1}{2\pi\sigma}e^-\frac{x^2 + y^2}{2\sigma^2}$$

where $\sigma$ is the “half-size” equivalent of the half-size of the Kernel .


Clone the repository and navigate to the folder src. A Makefile is available along with the following recipes:

Recipe Result
verbose Show the textual representation of the program in execution.
nfile Does not save the blurred image output as PGM image.
time Show the time it took to perform the convolution (one run only).
debug The binary produced will show debug messages.
leaks Find memory leaks in the source code. The executable does not produce any output.

There are also some optional parameters which are used to select additional features:

Parameter Values Explanation Default
src mpi/omp/hybrid/none Framework used for the parallelization (none produced a serial version of the code). none
prec double Precision used to represents the values in memory for the kernel matrix. float

For instance, the following produces the executable blur_mpi.x which prints the time needed to convolve an image using MPI, and represents data as float values in memory:

make time src=mpi prec=float


Run the executable blur_omp.x (or blur_mpi.x) generated in Compile with:

# OpenMP
OMP_NUM_THREADS=... ./blur_openmp.x [kernel type] [kernel size] {extra parameters} [image.pgm] {output.pgm}


mpirun -np ... ./blur_mpi.x [kernel type] [kernel size] {extra parameters} [image.pgm] {output.pgm}


# Hybrid (MPI + OpenMP)
OMP_NUM_THREADS=... mpirun -np ... ./blur_hybrid.x [kernel type] [kernel size] {extra parameters} [image.pgm] {output.pgm}


  • kernel type: type of kernels, available ones Mean, Weight, Gaussian
  • kernel size: size of the kernel, only odd kernels
  • extra parameters (optional): extra parameters for kernel, more on Kernel
  • image.pgm: input image to convolve
  • output.pgm (optional): output where to write the image, default blurred.pgm

if interested, there is a test picture in test folder. Also a program that checks the percentage of not correct pixel in the blurred image is reported (useful to test that serial and parallel implementation agree).

Note: We assume that your are compiling using g++ for serial and OpenMP implementation, while mpic++ for MPI and hybrid. Tests on MPI and hybrid are done using openmpi-4.1.1 and gnu-9.3.0


A parallel implementation of 2D convolution for image blurring based on MPI, openMP and hybrid approaches.







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