Script/binary file able to recreate existing container with same settings as it had before
- ensure that new container indeed does have all the old settings. As i will be using it, hopefully all corner cases will be validated
The point of this script to implement smooth CI CD for single container applications.
- You build in CI like Github actions your docker image and push into docker registry
curl -L $(curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} | sed "s/releases\/tag/releases\/download/")/redock-linux-amd64 -o /usr/local/bin/redock && chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/redock
DOCKER_HOST=“ssh://user@remotehost” redock --ctr=${CONTAINER_ID_OR_NAME} --strict_pull=true
That's it. there redock
script for you will try to repull the image name of a container, and stop old one and start new container with exactly same settings. Thus you will have container running with the same settings. This approach is good if u wish keeping other docker container running configurations (Envs/volumes and etc) independenly (like me controlling docker configuration with Docker Terraform provider for pet projects at least)
See Github actions workflow file for steps from Test setup
to Redock run
- Add to it DOCKER_HOST=“ssh://user@remotehost” and it will be usable for automated CD without knowing app container configuration
- To transfer correctly env vars to recreated container, i have only info about image default env vars and all env vars of containers without knowing which was set by user and which was already default. See
// Copy useful old container env vars to new image
for current behaviour. If needed we can customize this behaviour with extra parameters
docker build --debug --build-arg BUILD_VERSION=1 --tag darkwind8/temp:1 . docker build --debug --build-arg BUILD_VERSION=2 --tag darkwind8/temp:2 . docker run -e MYVAR=1 -d -it --name=darkbot-staging darkwind8/temp:1 go run . --ctr=darkbot-staging --image_name=darkwind8/temp:2 // debugging this operation (for vscode offered debug launch configuration)
We can probably resolve all the problems of a script to behave super correctly If writing into container label or anywhere else container launch configuration. That will give information to recreate new container with perfect settings
- Currently we need as nice option writing Environment variable key values defined on container launch.