Enthusiastic about research and software development, with strong skills in analyzing, designing, and implementing technological solutions. Experienced in coordinating and leading teams focused on delivering fast, effective, and client-tailored results.
🔭 I’m currently working on a tax management system for Spain, focusing on the design and development of new features and enhancements. Indra Company
🌱 I’m currently learning about home labs and artificial intelligence (AI). Ollama, Hugging Face, Stable Diffusion.
💬 Ask me about software development, container orchestration, and DevOps practices. Springboot, Kubernetes, Docker, Github actions, Github codespaces, Gitlab CI/CD
📫 How to reach me michael.tomaylla@pucp.edu.pe
⚡ Fun fact Every personal project I work on is containerized and deployed using CI/CD pipelines—it's my way of practicing DevOps every day.