This module is a PowerShell v3 only module at the moment. The module is a collection of functions that I have found usefull in my day to day work as a security professional. The functions are broken in to functionality:
- Discovery: Perform network discovery.
- Parse: Parsers for Nmap, DNSRecon and other type of output files from security tools.
- PostExploitation: Functions to help in performing post exploitation tasks.
- Registry: Collection of functions for manipulating the registry in remote hosts using WMI.
- Utilities: General purpose functions.
- Audit: Functions that may be usful when performing audits of systems.
- Database: Functions that are useful when interacting with databases.
Moved Nessus, Shodan, VirusTotal and Metasploit modules to individual ones for easier maintenance and update.
- Added Shodan submodule
- Added VirusTotal submodule
- Added Metasploit submodule
- BugFixes
- Added new fuctions in audit that work in WinPE for performing incident response and auditing (Disk MSFT Time, ADSI functions)
The functions I have written are BSD 3-Clause Licensed. The other files I used for the project are licensed as follows:
NessusSharp and Metasploit-Sharp libraries from Brandon Perry from: are BSD 3-Clause Licensed.
SQlite Libraries provided by the SQLite Projects these libraries are GPL2 licensed libraries.
ARSoft.Tools.Net that is licensed ad Apache License 2.0 (Apache)
Whois Library from under the GPL2 License
To install the module from a PowerShell v3 session run:
iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")