Smelting bot that smelts any (basic f2p) bars in Al Kharid! A simple (gui-less, paint-less) smelting bot that smelts any ores for you. Since this isn't on SDN yet, to use it you must be able to run local scripts. The script should support all common ores (f2p, I don't know anything about p2p). All you need to do is to change Variables.barToSmelt to the ore you wish to smelt (like "Mithril" or "Steel").
-v1.1 - added paint, gui, and edgeville furnace
-v1.0 - initial release
-GUI (selectable location & ores)
-Antiban (I have this in the 2 other scripts, but I didn't feel the need to implement it here yet, will do that once (if) I get SW)
-when misclicks furnace, there will be a rather long delay time...
-script doesn't know what to do when it runs out of ores
-harrynoob (awesome open sourcess)
-NeverDead (side note/ made this because yours went into premium and i needed to smelt stuff....)