reading time plugin to display how long a post takes to read
yarn add -D vuepress-plugin-reading-time
# OR npm install -D vuepress-plugin-reading-time
module.exports = {
plugins: ['vuepress-plugin-reading-time']
Puts reading-time
data into $page
data so you can access like
Example output
text: '1 min read',
minutes: 0.08,
time: 4800,
words: 16
You can override by specifying a readingTime object in frontmatter
title: My great post!
date: "2018-08-13T17:36:55.338Z"
readingTime: { text: "Not so long!", minutes: 3 }
Some content here...
- Type:
- Default: ``
Exclude pages by their path via a regular expression. This tests for both path
and regularPath
plugins: [
['vuepress-plugin-reading-time', {
excludes: ['/about', '/tag/.*']