This l10n module is used to localize applications. It is based on the principle of overrides/fallbacks, where injected string libraries are deeply merged from right to left.
var lib1 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
var lib2 = { b: 'foo', x: 7, y: 8, z: 9 };
var lib3 = { b: 'baz', z: 'bar' };
var oxford = require('oxford');
var ox = oxford([lib1, lib2, lib3]);
// lib1 is the base and each subsequent library is
// merged in and overrides any values
// Results in
a: '1',
b: 'baz'
c: '3',
x: '7',
y: '8',
z: 'bar'
It was heavily inspired by Mozilla's L20n framework, which I recommend you checkout and see if it fits as your project's localization solution.
"congratsMessage": "Congrats %s!"
It's also possible to use indexed placeholders for custom ordering, to account for things like grammatical conjugations.
"message": "Using Oxford is %s1 %s2"
"message": "El uso de Oxford es %s2 %s1"
ox.get('message', 'dead', 'simple'); // Using Oxford is dead simple
ox.get('message', 'muertos', 'simple'); // El uso de Oxford es simple muertos
"name": "Bob",
"welcomeMessage": "Howdy {{name}}!" // 'Howdy Bob!'
"oneScope": {
"messages": "[[globalMessages]]" // resolves to "oneScope": { "messages": { "greeting": "Hello World" } }
"twoScope": {
"messages": "[[globalMessages]]" // resolves to "twoScope": { "messages": { "greeting": "Hello World" } }
"redScope": {
"messages": "[[globalMessages]]" // resolves to "redScope": { "messages": { "greeting": "Hello World" } }
"blueScope": {
"messages": "[[globalMessages]]" // resolves to "blueScope": { "messages": { "greeting": "Hello World" } }
"globalMessages": {
"greeting": "Hello World"
function capitalize(text) {
text = text.trim();
return text.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1);
"world": "world",
"hello": "Hello #capitalize({{world}})!" // 'Hello World!'
var oxford = require('oxford');
var ox = oxford([
"prop": "the quick %s"
"nested": {
"prop": "%s jumps over"
"routedProp": {
"$key": "#pluralize(%d)",
"singular": "the lazy dog",
"plural": "the lazy dogs",
"none": "nothing"
"defaultVariant": {
"$default": "normal",
"normal": "normal text",
"alternate": "alternate text"
// Get a value from prop
ox.get('prop', 'brown'); // => 'the quick brown'
// Get a value from a nested.prop
ox.get('nested.prop', 'fox'); // => 'fox jumps over'
// Get a value from a routed prop by dynamic key
ox.get('routedProp', 2); // => 'the lazy dogs'
// Get a value from a prop with variants
ox.get('defaultVariant'); // => 'normal text'
ox.get('defaultVariant.normal'); // => 'normal text'
ox.get('defaultVariant.alternate'); // => 'alternate text'
Sometimes you may only want a portion of the string library for a particular view. Using the child method, it extracts an immutable version of the desired library.
var oxford = require('oxford');
var ox = oxford([{
a: {
b : {
c: 'foo',
d: 'bar'
ox.get('a.b.c'); // 'foo'
var oxChild = ox.child('a.b');
oxChild.get('c') // "foo"
oxChild.get('d') // "bar"
oxChild.get('a.b.c') // throws ReferenceError
This may be useful when using the dictionary on both the server and the client.
In the future this will be deprecated in favour of a deserialization method as it opens risk to state mutation.
var ox = oxford([dictionaryData]);
// This is the internal compiled dictionary, be careful not to mutate
var dictionary = ox.dictionary;
//wont lose data when stringified
var dictionaryString = JSON.stringify(dictionary);
var oxNew = oxford([JSON.parse(dictionaryString)]); //ox will be the same as oxNew
Oxford exposes seams that you may register external plugins into the processing/query chain.
You can register a plugin by referencing an installed package. The convention is oxford-plugin-<name>
and you
can reference it just by <name>
and oxford will automatically try registering oxford-plugin-<name>
first and then
the plain <name>
if it fails
//installed package 'oxford-plugin-markdown'
// oxford-plugin-markdown/index.js
'use strict';
var parseMarkdown = require('marked');
module.exports = {
hook: 'post-get',
name: 'markdownPlugin',
method: function (string) {
return parseMarkdown(string);
// example.js
var oxford = require('oxford');
//or oxford.registerPlugin('oxford-plugin-markdown');
//or oxford.registerPlugin(require('oxford-plugin-markdown'));
var ox = oxford({ hello: '#Hello %s!' });
ox.get('hello', 'Brett'); // returns <h1>Hello Brett!</h1>
- prebuild
- postbuild
- preget
- postget
- static
All hooks are normalized upon registering involving lowercasing and removing underscores(_), hyphens(-) and white spaces(" ").
This means that the following hook definitions are synonomous:
- 'preget'
- 'post-get'
- 'pre_build'
- 'post build'
- 'Preget'
- 'Pre-get'
- etc.
This hook is invoked before any processing occurs when calling the .get()
method. It is triggered before any additional traversals(i.e. mustaches/references) or decoding (i.e. HTML entity decoding).
This hook is invoked after any processing occurs when calling the .get()
method. It is triggered after any additional traversals(i.e. mustaches/references) or decoding (i.e. HTML entity decoding).
This hook is invoked immediately before the string libray is built/comibined, so it can be used for any sort of custom preprocessing of the string library data before being handed off to Oxford.
This hook is invoked immediately after the string libray is built/combined, so it can be used for any sort of custom post-processing of the string library data before being handed off to Oxford.
This hook attaches a public static method onto the Oxford instance. It can be useful for things like parsing a custom data type or importing from a URL.
# lib/text.yml
hello: Hello %s!
//installed package 'oxford-plugin-yaml'
'use strict';
var yaml = require('js-yaml');
module.exports = {
hook: 'static',
name: 'importYAML',
method: function (url) {
return this(yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(url, 'utf8')))
// example.js
var oxford = require('oxford');
var ox = oxford.importYAML('./lib/text.yml');
ox.get('hello', 'Brett'); // returns Hello Brett!