RedBean is an easy to use ORM tool that stores beans directly in the database and creates all tables and columns required on the fly. On the other hand it allows plain SQL to search the database. In fact RedBean is some sort of combination between document oriented database tools like mongoDB or couchDB and traditional relational database systems like MySQL. It offers the best of both worlds: SQL and no-SQL. You work with no-SQL if you interact with objects will you simply turn the switch and work with SQL if you want to do some typical database tasks like searching or quikly grabbing something out of the data store with specially crafted SQL. RedBean also has excellent performance because it can freeze the database schema which means it no longer scans schemas.
RedBean supports MySQL (InnoDB), PostgreSQL, SQLite3 and CUBRID.
How we store a book object with RedBean:
$book = R::dispense("book");
$book->author = "Santa Claus";
$book->title = "Secrets of Christmas";
$id = R::store( $book );
Yep, it's that simple.
For more information about RedBeanPHP please consult the RedBeanPHP online manual at: