This repo has moved to
This package provides a Clock
class which encapsulates the notion of the
"current time" and provides easy access to points relative to the current time.
Different Clock
s can have a different notion of the current time, and the
default top-level clock
's notion can be swapped out to reliably test
timing-dependent code.
For example, you can use clock
in your libraries like this:
// run_with_timing.dart
import 'package:clock/clock.dart';
/// Runs [callback] and prints how long it took.
T runWithTiming<T>(T Function() callback) {
var stopwatch = clock.stopwatch()..start();
var result = callback();
print('It took ${stopwatch.elapsed}!');
return result;
...and then test your code using the fake_async
package, which
automatically overrides the current clock:
// run_with_timing_test.dart
import 'run_with_timing.dart';
import 'package:fake_async/fake_async.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test('runWithTiming() prints the elapsed time', () {
FakeAsync().run((async) {
expect(() {
runWithTiming(() {
async.elapse(Duration(seconds: 10));
}, prints('It took 0:00:10.000000!'));