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Søren Gjesse edited this page Jun 21, 2016 · 14 revisions

Building Dartino (Mac and Linux only)


  • Install depot_tools (to get gclient, git cl, and ninja).

  • Install g++-multilib (sudo apt-get g++-multilib) as Dartino requires 32-bit binaries.

  • Set up GitHub ssh keys on your system (if you plan to contribute).

Getting the Sources

Start by cloning the repo. We recommend you use fetch.

mkdir dartino-repo
cd dartino-repo
fetch dartino
cd sdk

Note: This will pull down a few gigabytes of data, so it will take quite some time, and there is no progress indicator. Alternatively you can run fetch --nohooks dartino for a fast clone, but you then manually have to run gclient sync to get the dependencies pulled down afterwards.

Next, configure git. Use one of three possible options:

  1. You're a committer in the Dartino project org, run:

git remote set-url origin

  1. You're planning to contribute to Dartino. In that case use, fork it on GitHub and run:

git remote set-url origin <URL>

where <URL> is the SSH clone URL from GitHub.

  1. You just want to checkout Dartino and build it:

you are done already

Updating your checkout

To update your checkout run:

git pull
gclient sync

Git pull will update the Dartino sources, while gclient sync will update all of our dependencies. If you have conflicts, you can use

git mergetool

Building Dartino

After getting the sources, build Dartino by running:

ninja -C out/DebugIA32Clang

Cross-compiling for ARM (Linux only, issue #127)

After getting the sources, build Dartino by running:

ninja -C out/DebugXARM

For Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (Trusty Tahr), you need to install the following packages to be able to cross-compile:

  • linux-libc-dev:i386 1
  • gcc-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf
  • g++-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf

Install them by running:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install linux-libc-dev:i386 gcc-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf g++-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf

Cross-compiling for STM boards (Linux only)

A few STM boards are supported right from the build system. They all require both a 32-bit and 64-bit host builds.

ninja -C out/ReleaseIA32
ninja -C out/ReleaseX64

To build the test application for the STM32F764G Discovery board:

ninja -C out/DebugSTM disco_dartino

To build the test application for the STM32F411RE Nucleo board:

ninja -C out/DebugCM4 nucleo_dartino

The build system can also flash the build image by adding _flash to the target, e.g.:

ninja -C out/DebugSTM disco_dartino_flash

Testing Dartino

After building Dartino, you can test Dartino by running:


Qemu dependencies

Qemu requires libftd1 to run.

sudo apt-get install libfdt1


If you plan on contributing to Dartino, we encourage you to fork the repository on GitHub.


Dartino uses the Chromium gclient tool for managing dependencies and the ninja build system for building. It only works on Mac and Linux at the moment.


1: When installing gcc-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf and g++-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf on Ubuntu, apt-get will uninstall gcc-multilib and g++-multilib. Unfortunately, this breaks cross-compiling IA32 on X64, so one needs to install the header files for IA32 (i386).