This project includes a renv.lock file to run the Darwin version of CohortDiagnostics.
In this project you can find multiple scripts (extras folder) to run CohortDiagnostics. The scripts ending with "cdm.R" are using a CDMConnector object. In the R folder, there is a script with a helper function with the parameters adjusted for Darwin studies.
Edit the variables below to the correct values for your environment:
# Login details
dbms <- Sys.getenv("dbms")
host <- Sys.getenv("host")
dbname <- Sys.getenv("dbname")
user <- Sys.getenv("user")
password <- Sys.getenv("password")
port <- Sys.getenv("port")
connectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails(dbms = dbms,
server = paste0(host, "/", dbname),
user = user,
password = password,
port = port)
connection <- DatabaseConnector::connect(connectionDetails)
# A folder on the local file system to store results:
outputDir <- "..."
# The database schema where the observational data in CDM is located.
cdmDatabaseSchema <- "..."
# The database schema where the cohorts can be instantiated.
cohortDatabaseSchema <- "..."
# The name of the table that will be created in the cohortDatabaseSchema.
cohortTable <- "..."
# The databaseId is a short (<= 20 characters)
databaseId <- "..."
# This statement instatiates the cohorts, performs the diagnostics, and writes the results to
# a zip file containing CSV files. This will probaby take a long time to run:
runDiagnostics(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
vocabularyDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
cohortTable = cohortTable,
outputDir = outputDir,
databaseId = databaseId)
# (Optionally) to view the results locally:
dataFolder = file.path(outputDir),
sqliteDbPath = file.path(outputDir, "MergedCohortDiagnosticsData.sqlite")
CohortDiagnostics::launchDiagnosticsExplorer(sqliteDbPath = file.path(outputDir, "MergedCohortDiagnosticsData.sqlite"))