- Authentication (Email/Pass) with JSONWebTokens + Bcrypt
- Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) API
This web application is hobby project developed with a basic CRA (Create React App) for the Front-end, and an Express back-end API. The goal was to build up development experience and exemplify some of my skills with modern tooling, hopefully becoming a web app with a finished look, allowing for a quick way to demo/present my work and skills.
- Exercise Tracker allows a user to Register and Log in with an email address and password. Currently the application's Authentication flow is very simple, but that is sufficient for this hobby project. A user can then Add/Edit/Delete/View (CRUD), and also filter, exercises they create and want to track.
- User can create new account with email and password (Auth)
- User can login to previously created account (Auth)
- User can add Exercises with duration and a note (Create)
- User can edit an Exercise (Update)
- User can delete an Exercise (Delete)
- User can view all of his/her previoulsy added Exercises (Read)
- User can filter by exercise type and exercise time
- Framer Motion handles the nice animation on the exercise cards. Some of these are slighltly exaggerated for the purposes of demoing the features. For a production application, or a client, these would most likely be toned down.
- Managing State with Context initially was a challenge, but served as a learning experience for the future, for what to do, and not to do, specifically, where and how to manage state (local or global).
- Styling is important for me because I have a passion for things not only working well, but looking just as well to the user. My opinon is that non-technical users tend to judge an application by it's appeareance quite heavily. I agree that funcionality (features) need to work properly, however I also believe implementing the User Interfaces should not be ignored. Styling / CSS is all handrolled, which allows for custom work, but at the same time proves to be a hurdle when refactoring, or building more agnostic components. Refactor is needed.
- In the image below we can see how the URL points us to how the a user is identified,
being the id in the database.
Once Logged in, a user is persisted on the browser, this is done via a JSON Web Token that stores a users identifiable information, which should only be parsed by the application (backend), and returned back to the Front-end. A users password is hashed when the request is received on the back-end, so we never store the users password, only a hashed version of it.
// Backend - Register
router.route('/register').post(async (req, res) => {
const { username, email, password } = req.body;
try {
const userExists = await User.find({ email });
if (userExists.length) {
return res.status(409).json({ error: 'Email has already been taken' });
const newUser = new User({ username, email });
await newUser.setPassword(password);
const userData = await newUser.toAuthJSON();
return res.json(userData);
} catch (error) {
// User Modal / Schema methods
userSchema.methods.toClient = function () {
return {
id: this._id,
name: this.name,
username: this.username,
email: this.email,
unitSystem: this.unitSystem,
weight: this.weight,
friends: this.friends,
friendRequests: this.friendRequests,
friendRequestsSent: this.friendRequestsSent,
userSchema.methods.toAuthJSON = function () {
const user = this.toClient();
return {
token: this.generateJWT(),
userSchema.methods.generateJWT = function () {
const data = {
id: this._id,
passwordDigest: this.passwordDigest,
return encode(data);
userSchema.methods.setPassword = async function (password) {
const digest = await hash(password);
this.passwordDigest = digest;
const encode = (data) => {
// SECRET is a string that can be stored as a env var
return jwt.sign(data, SECRET);
const verify = (token) => {
// SECRET is a string that can be stored as a env var
return jwt.verify(token, SECRET);
- Nodemon (local development)
- Moment.js - Formatting Time
- Axios - Wrapper for native fetch API, used for making requests to API's
- React Router - User for routing to different sections of WebApp
- MongoDb / Mongoose - NoSQL Database
- Framer Motion - Animation
- Formik + Yup (Forms / Validation)
- Passport (not implemented)
- General
- Run
- Gym
- Yoga
- Cycling
- Rock Climbing
- Swimming
- Tennis
Set a .env
file as follows: