Simple Elixir wrapper for the Pivotal Tracker API.
Based heavily on the Tentacat and ExTwiter libraries.
- Account
- Account Memberships
- Accounts
- Activity
- Attachments
- Comments
- Get
- Put
- Post
- Delete
- Epic
- Epics
- Exports
- Iterations
- Labels
- Me
- Get
- Put
- Notifications
- Project
- Get
- Put
- Delete
- Project History
- Project Integrations
- Project Memberships
- Project Webhooks
- Projects
- Get
- Post
- Reports
- Request Aggregator
- Search
- Source Commits
- Stories
- Get
- Post
- Story
- Get
- Put
- Delete
- Story Tasks
- Story Transitions
- Workspaces
Documentation can be found here
- Add extracker to your list of dependencies in
def deps do
[{:extracker, "~> 0.1"}]
- Ensure extracker is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:extracker]]
# Create a client.
iex> client ={access_token: "d55c3bc1f74346b843ca84ba340b29bf"})
%ExTracker.Client{auth: %{access_token: "d55c3bc1f74346b843ca84ba340b29bf"},
endpoint: ""}
# Get project including epics and the epic's label.
iex> %ExTracker.Record.Project{name: name, epics: epics} =
...> ExTracker.Projects.find(1027488,
...> client,
...> fields: ":default,epics(:default,label(name))")
%ExTracker.Record.Project{number_of_done_iterations_to_show: 12,
point_scale: "0,1,2,3", week_start_day: "Monday",
iteration_override_numbers: nil, enable_tasks: true, story_ids: nil,
membership_ids: nil, created_at: "2014-03-02T07:11:04Z", integration_ids: nil,
start_time: "2014-02-10T08:00:00Z", has_google_domain: false,
current_iteration_number: 104, label_ids: nil,
time_zone: %ExTracker.Record.TimeZone{kind: "time_zone", offset: "-08:00",
olson_name: "America/Los_Angeles"}, labels: nil, current_volatility: nil,
bugs_and_chores_are_estimatable: false, iteration_length: 1,
name: "My Sample Project", epic_ids: nil,
profile_content: "This is a demo project, created by Tracker, with example stories for a simple shopping web site.",
description: nil, account: nil, start_date: nil,
updated_at: "2014-03-02T07:11:04Z", initial_velocity: 10,
velocity_averaged_over: 3, automatic_planning: true, id: 1027488,
atom_enabled: false, project_type: "demo", account_id: 621384,
epics: [%ExTracker.Record.Epic{description: "Get the Admin users working on the site",
id: 1087314, kind: "epic",
label: %ExTracker.Record.Label{counts: nil, id: 7849080, kind: nil,
name: "admin", project_id: nil}, label_id: nil, name: "Admin Users",
project_id: 1027488,
url: ""},
%ExTracker.Record.Epic{description: "Allow shoppers to use the site",
id: 1087316, kind: "epic",
label: %ExTracker.Record.Label{counts: nil, id: 7849082, kind: nil,
name: "shopping", project_id: nil}, label_id: nil, name: "Shoppers",
project_id: 1027488,
url: ""}], public: false,
current_velocity: nil, kind: "project", version: 80,
shown_iterations_start_time: nil, enable_incoming_emails: true,
point_scale_is_custom: false}
iex> name
"My Sample Project"
iex> [%ExTracker.Record.Epic{name: epic_name, label: %ExTracker.Record.Label{name: label_name}} | _] = epics
iex> epic_name
"Admin Users"
iex> label_name