The code is separated into 5 notebooks, each has its own responsibility but is not necessarily independent. The notebooks are:
- posters_fetcher
- duplicate_remover
- actor_fetcher
- face_recognition_ethnicity
- analysis
Posters_fetcher - Posters fetching
- Download metadata from imdb
- Download posters images
- Build movie_posters dataframe
- Save tmdb_data
Duplicate_remover - Duplicates removal
- Load movie_posters
- Calculate each image hash value
- Assign a “dup” value of True or False to each poster
- Save to posters_with_dup dataframe
Actor_fetcher - Actors fetching
- Load movies ids from posters_with_dup
- Save movies and actors metadata
- Save actors images
- Create actors dataframe and save as actors_df
Face_recognition_ethnicity - Face & Ethnicity recognition
- Load posters_with_dup dataframe
- Perform posters detection and save as posters_face_encodings
- Perform posters encoding and save as posters_face_encodings
- Load actors_df dataframe
- Perform actors detection & encoding and save as actors_face_encodings
- Recognize the actors who appear in the posters and save as match_poster_actor_cast_all
- Use fairface 4 races model to predict each actors ethnicity
- Add ethnicity information to the posters dataframe and save as posters_new_races4_cast_all
- Create ranking dataframe to save the information about the actors positions in the cast list, saved as ranking_posters_new_races4_cast_all
- Data preperation
- Graphs creation seperated by titles
There is a demo you can run to test the code, we uploaded the data and the dataframes you should expect to get.
Stages of the demo:
- In poster_fetcher notebook, use sample_aids. The demo is the default so comment those lines for a full run.
- In duplicate_remover notebook, load posters sample zip and previous obtained dataframes.
- In actor_fetcher notebook use previous obtained dataframes
- In Face_recognition_ethnicity notebook, load actos zip, movies zip, posters zip, w600k_r50.onnx model and use previous obtained dataframes
- In analysis use previous obtained dataframes