Software to run shift detection experiments and benchmark state-of-the-art drift detectors on structured datasets.
This software re-uses and modifies some parts of the failing_loudly repository, which is thus not included in the requirements. The modifications are meant to adapt the shift detectors in the failing_loudly repository to work with structured datasets.
This software assumes that the dataset is provided unprocessed and separated in a three-way splits (train, validation and test)
as three different .csv files, which will be loaded as pandas dataframe (see the example of Click_prediction_small
dataset below). The test dataset will be corrupted by synthetic shifts and compared to the unperturbed validation dataset.
The target column for the dataset must also be provided in the target
You can run the
script for a full view of the experiments on the Click_prediction_small dataset.
from drift_detect_utils.experiment_utils import rand_runs_drift_detection
from failing_loudly.shared_utils import DimensionalityReduction
# Read inputs
dataset_name = 'Click_prediction_small'
df_train_name = dataset_name + '_train.csv'
df_valid_name = dataset_name + '_valid.csv'
df_test_name = dataset_name + '_test.csv'
target = 'click'
max_num_row = 10000
# Write outputs
out_path = dataset_name + '_drift_rf'
# Define DR methods.
dr_techniques = [DimensionalityReduction.BBSDs_RF.value, DimensionalityReduction.BBSDh_RF.value,
DimensionalityReduction.NoRed.value, DimensionalityReduction.PCA.value,
dc_techniques = [DimensionalityReduction.Classif_RF.value]
# Define shift types.
shifts = ['no_shift']
shifts += ['ko_shift_0.4_0', 'ko_shift_0.1_0']
shifts += ['oo_shift_0']
shifts += ['medium_gn_shift_1.0_1.0', 'medium_gn_shift_0.5_1.0', 'medium_gn_shift_0.5_0.5', 'medium_gn_shift_1.0_0.5',
'small_gn_shift_1.0_1.0', 'small_gn_shift_0.5_1.0', 'small_gn_shift_0.5_0.5', 'small_gn_shift_1.0_0.5']
shifts += ['subsample_joint_shift', 'subsample_feature_shift_1.0']
shifts += ['under_sample_shift_0.5', 'over_sample_shift_0.5']
shifts += ['switch_categorical_features_shift_0.5_1.0', 'subsample_categorical_feature_shift']
shifts += ['adversarial_attack_shift_zoo_0.5', 'adversarial_attack_shift_boundary_0.5']
shifts += ['adversarial_attack_shift_zoo_1.0', 'adversarial_attack_shift_boundary_1.0']
samples = [10, 100, 500, 1000, 2000]
n_runs = 5
for shift in shifts:
print('Running Drift Experiments on %s for %s' % (df_train_name, shift))
rand_runs_drift_detection(shift, df_train_name, df_valid_name, df_test_name, target, max_num_row,
dr_techniques, dc_techniques, samples, out_path, random_runs=n_runs, sign_level=0.05)
from drift_detect_utils.experiment_utils import rand_runs_drift_detection
from failing_loudly.shared_utils import DimensionalityReduction
# Read inputs as above
# ...
# Define DR methods as above
# Write outputs
out_folder = dataset_name + '_drift_no'
shift = 'no_shift'
samples = [10, 100, 500, 1000, 2000]
n_runs = 100
print('Running Drift Experiments on %s for %s' % (df_train_name, shift))
rand_runs_drift_detection(shift, df_train_name, df_valid_name, df_test_name, target, max_num_row,
dr_techniques, dc_techniques, samples, out_path, random_runs=n_runs, sign_level=0.05)
from drift_detect_utils.experiment_utils import rand_runs_drift_detection_quality
# Read inputs as above
# ...
# Define DR methods.
# This experiment is only defined for DimensionalityReduction.BBSDs_RF.value
# Write outputs
out_path = dataset_name + '_drift_quality'
# Define shift types.
shifts = ['no_shift']
shifts += ['ko_shift_0.4_0', 'ko_shift_0.1_0']
shifts += ['oo_shift_0']
qualities = [0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0]
sample = 1000
n_runs = 5
for shift in shifts:
print('Running Drift Experiments on %s for %s' % (df_train_name, shift))
rand_runs_drift_detection_quality(shift, df_train_name, df_valid_name, df_test_name, target, max_num_row,
qualities, out_path, sample, random_runs=n_runs, sign_level=0.05)
The results are saved as several numpy files (as in failing_loudly), which can be loaded via build_result_df
as shown
below. The output results
is a pandas dataframe containing one line per shift and as many columns as the different shift
detectors in the experiment.
Each value in the dataframe is the efficiency score computed for each detector and shift: a number between 0 and the
number of sizes tested in samples
. The higher the efficiency score, the fewer the samples needed to detect the drift.
The output all_rf_experiments
and no_experiment
are lists of drift_detect_utils.shift_experiment.ShiftExperiment
objects, containing all information regarding the individual experiments, i.e. the p-values in ShiftExperiment.p_vals
of size [n_sizes
, n_detectors
, n_runs
], or the mean accuracy drops in ShiftExperiment.accuracy_drop
The efficiency score can be retrieved through ShiftExperiment.get_score_for_ranking
from drift_detect_utils.shift_experiment import build_result_df
dataset_name = 'Click_prediction_small'
out_path_rf = dataset_name + '_drift_rf'
out_path_no = dataset_name + '_drift_no'
dr_techniques = ['BBSDs', 'BBSDh', 'Test_X', 'Test_PCA', 'Test_SRP', 'DC']
results, all_rf_experiments, no_experiment = build_result_df(dataset_name, out_path_rf, out_path_no,
dr_techniques, adapt=True)
For the experiments of the Black-Box-Shift-Detector with corruption of the primary model quality, the results can be
loaded through drift_detect_utils.shift_experiment.load_all_quality_results
which returns a pandas dataframe with one
row per shift type, quality and run, containing the p-values from the Black-Box-Shift-Detector KS-test.
from drift_detect_utils.shift_experiment import load_all_quality_results
dataset_name = 'Click_prediction_small'
out_path_quality = dataset_name + '_drift_quality'
results = load_all_quality_results(out_path_quality)
All disaggregated results from the drift experiments in the benchmark are detailed in