Openinterpreter hackathon Telegram Chatbot - codes generated by open-Interpreter using prompts connected to GPT-4 using open-Interpreter feature.
AI-powered task manager with notifications, document analysis, and task visualization developed using open-Interpreter tool.
- Dynamic Task Management: Effortlessly add, edit, and organize tasks with due dates, tags, and project lists. 
- Task Prioritization: Never miss a beat with AI-driven task prioritization that ensures you focus on what matters most. 
- AI-Powered Task Suggestions: Personalized task recommendations that evolve with your preferences and needs. 
- Document Parsing: Manage information overload with text document summaries and essential keyword extraction. 
- Visualized Task Priorities: Get a crystal-clear view of your tasks, so you always know where to start. 
- Continuous Learning: Access knowledge modules through web scraping for lifelong learning. 
- Feedback Welcome: Interact and contribute to our constant system improvement.
- datetime
- time
- requests
- telegram
- openai
- matplotlib
- BeautifulSoup4
- re
Before running the application:
- Replace Your OpenAI API Key with your OpenAI API key.
- Replace Your Telegram Bot Token with your Telegram bot token. Class Structure:
- TaskManager: Handles adding, prioritizing, organizing, and retrieving tasks.
- Task: Represents a single task with name, deadline, and priority.
- /start: Start the AI Task Manager.
- /help: Show available commands.
- /add_task: Add a new task (e.g., /add_task Buy groceries, 2023-12-31, 2)
- /list_tasks: List tasks.
- /delete_task: Delete a task by ID (e.g., /delete_task 1)
- /update_task: Update a task by ID (e.g., /update_task 1, New Task, 2023-12-31, 2)
- /document: Analyze a document with keywords (e.g., /document Sample document text. Keyword1; Keyword2; Keyword3)
- /feedback: Provide feedback on AI decisions.
- /upcoming_tasks: List upcoming tasks.