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Building from source releases

eric-anderson edited this page Apr 20, 2012 · 1 revision

Building from source releases is useful if binary packages are not available, or if you want to be able to update the sources from an official release. If you want a more recent version then you want to build from version control.

Building using deptool

The easiest way to build from the source releases is by using the build tool that is part of Lintel, a dependency of DataSeries. After the first step, you can run perl deptool-bootstrap --man to get a description of the tasks that deptool will handle. For building from tar releases, only the init --tar and build commands are used. You can provide deptool with the option --no-auto-yes if you would like it to prompt you before taking any action.

% cd ~
% wget
% perl deptool-bootstrap tarinit # add --no-auto-yes to be prompted for locations
% cd ~/projects/DataSeries
% perl ~/deptool-bootstrap build

At the end of these steps, you should find binaries under ~/build/opt-OS identifier/bin, libraries under .../lib, and documentation under .../share/doc.

Building by hand

To build from the tar releases manually, you have to download both Lintel and DataSeries tar files from, configure them using cmake, and install them.