Shiny apps internationalization: same app, multiple languages.
We want to make data science more accessible and more inclusive for
those people who don’t speak English as their first language. shi18ny
enables you to translate your Shiny apps into 15 (and growing) different
languages so that you can reach coders and non-coders around the world
with little effort.
Check the full documentation at
Currently, shi18ny
supports the following 15 languages: Arabic,
Catalan, Chinese, Danish, German, English, Spanish, French, Hebrew,
Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, and Swedish.
If the language you’re looking for is not yet available, see the
on how you can help us improve and extend the
selection languages.
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
For more installation advice, for example if you want to contribute to
the package, see the vignette("getting-started")
Here is a basic example which shows you how to use shi18ny
in a basic
Shiny app.
if (interactive()) {
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$h1("shiny internationalization"),
# Initialize shi18ny
# Language selector input
langSelectorInput("lang", position = "fixed"),
# UI elements
# Text can be translated directly from the UI, using the ui_ function:
# OR by using uiOutput:
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Configure shi18ny
i18n <- list(
defaultLang = "en",
availableLangs = c("es", "en", "pt")
# Call language module to get currently selected language and save it in a reactive
lang <- callModule(langSelector, "lang", i18n = i18n, showSelector = TRUE)
# Update UI translation
uiLangUpdate(input$shi18ny_ui_classes, lang())
# Render translations by passing the text and the active (selected) language as the lang() parameter to the i_ function
output$results <- renderUI({
h1(i_("world", lang())),
h4(i_("language", lang()))
shinyApp(ui, server)
You can find more examples by running shi18ny::runExample()
installing the package. This will show you the names of the examples
that are available.
For example, you can run
to see how shi18ny
can be used to translate a map of the world showing confirmed cases of
COVID-19 by country (as of 08/07/20).
We are always looking to improve shi18ny
to further promote the
internationalization of data science. Here are some
improvements/features we have on our list for upcoming releases. If you
have any other suggestions for new features, please let us know by
filing an issue as a ‘feature request’ on our GitHub page (see
for details).
- Support RTL languages properly
- Add locale formatting for dates
- …
If you’re interested in other R packages around the topic of internationalization in R, have a look at the following GitHub pages:
- shiny.i18n (for more Shiny internationalization)
- traduire (for translations outside of Shiny apps)
- i18n (to get localized variants of dates, times, and currencies)
- d3.format (to format numbers for human consumption)
If you’ve come across issues with the package, we’d greatly appreciate
if you could file an issue on our GitHub page. See the
guide on how to go about that.
If you are looking to translate your Shiny app into a language that
doesn’t yet exist in shi18ny
you can either make a feature request for
this language on our GitHub page or help us add this language to the
dictionary. In the vignette("contributing")
we take you through the
If the language you are using for your translation is supported by
but there are certain words that aren’t translated (or that
aren’t translated correctly) you can help by filing this as an issue or
by helping us improve the dictionary yourself. The
talks you through either of these options.
Country Flags taken from Catalonia flag from wikipedia