This is a package of ROS nodes for grabbing videos.
- A video file
- A csv file containing list of timestamps of the video frames
Note that the number of frames in the video and rows in the csv file must be the same.
$ cd src
$ catkin_init_workspace
$ cd ..
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun video_grabber video_grabber_node \
_path_to_video:=<path to video> \
_path_to_timestamp:=<path to timestamp csv> \
_frame_id:=<frame id to publish (default: camera)> \
_seek_frequency:=<refresh rate (should be higher than video FPS. default: 60)>
$ roslaunch video_grabber sample.launch \
path_to_video:=<path to video> \
path_to_timestamp:=<path to timestamp csv> \
frame_id:=<frame id to publish (default: camera)> \
seek_frequency:=<refresh rate (should be higher than video FPS. default: 60)>
Video frames will be published with topic name /video_grabber