My usual configs, scripts, etc for my Linux/OS X machines I work on. Downloading this directly to your home directory and running the install script will setup the following:
- .vimrc - customized vimrc (commented) to work with Pathogen and plugins included
- .bash_profile - a custom bash profile
- vim plugins - vim plugins and .vim/ directory things
- Syntastic - syntax highlighting and lint for most languages
- NerdTree & NerdTree Tabs - for project/navigation within vim
- Ack - For fast searching of file, buffer and other content (integrated into NerdTree with 'ms' command)
- CtrlP - Ctrl-P like fuzzy finder popup similar to Sublime's Ctrl-P
- Vim Airline - a pure vim powerline drop in for an awesome status line in vim
- Solarized color scheme
- Fugitive - git integration for vim
- vim color themes folder for syntax highlighting
To install, run the following:
$ git clone
$ cd mysystem
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ make install
You can install the Solarized color scheme for iTerm2 as follows:
- In iTerm2, open “iTerm2 > Preferences > Profiles > Colors”, and click “Load Presets…”
- Select the file "Solarized Dark.itermcolors.xml in the src/ of this repository
iTerm 2 settings in your profile should set the following:
- terminal emulation - xterm-256color
- draw bold text in bright colors - unchecked
- treat ambiguous width chars as double width - unchecked
- set your font to one of the patched powerline fonts
The only thing you'll need outside of this repository is the Ack program, which you can find at