A javascript library (<10kB) to show an intelligent date refreshed at regular intervals.
A demo is available here.
Languages defined bellow are fully supported but you can add your own rules with other languages.
- English
- Français
You can also contribute and suggest translations with a pull request.
Add an attribute to your date with the corresponding timestamp.
<div data-clever-date="1579950627">26/01/2020 12h12</div>
<div data-clever-date="1580037027">25/01/2020 12h12</div>
Start the script:
Let's see the result:
<div title="26/01/2020 12h12">2 minutes ago</div>
<div title="25/01/2020 12h12">Yesterday at 12:12</div>
- Just now / A l'instant
- 2 minutes ago / Il y a 2 minutes
- 2 hours ago / Il y a 2 heures
- Today at 11:46 / Aujourd'hui à 11h46
- Yesterday at 11:46 / Hier à 11h46
npm install @date-js/clever-date
import CleverDate from '@date-js/clever-date';
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@date-js/clever-date@2.0"></script>
Start the process :
Stop the process:
If you add element dynamically.
window.dispatch(new Event('clever-date.update'));
You have the full possibility to customize your rules by passing your configuration.
var configuration = {
refresh: 5, // The minimal refreshing time
selector: 'data-clever-date', // Elements with this attribute will be parsed
rules: [
condition: function(dateIntervalItem) { return dateIntervalItem.day >= 365*10; }, text: {
fr: "Il y a %dd jour{%dd||s} (année %Y)",
en: "%dd day{%dd||s} ago (year %Y)"
You can see examples in default rules file.
A rule is composed of some elements:
A callback which returns true if the rule matches.
DateInterval is injected in the callback: see DateInterval.ts for more information.
For improving performances, it's not necessary to analyse and parse your rule each time.
- null: never analysed again
- undefined: use default refreshing time
- number: seconds between analyses
An object with the text for each language that you want to target.