Assume the kubernetes cluster has vsphere provider. Below command is able to provision a disk through vCenter and mount to the postgres pod. When the pod is recreated, the storage is treated as persistant storage and all the pipelines/meta data still exist
kubectl create -f vsphere/storage-class.yml
kubectl create -f vsphere/postgres-volume-claim.yml
kubectl create -f gcp/storage-class.yml
kubectl create -f gcp/postgres-volume-claim.yml
kubectl create -f aws/storage-class.yml
kubectl create -f aws/postgres-volume-claim.yml
kubectl create -f minikube/postgres-volume-claim.yml
Postgres Database is concourse management plane backend
kubectl create -f postgres.yml
web consume postgres cluster ip through kubernetes dns. It also creates an internal Cluster IP service so worker can register.
kubectl create -f web.yml
kubectl create -f worker.yml
kubectl create -f nodeport.yml
kubectl get service
concourse-external NodePort <none> 8080:30668/TCP 2h
fly -t atc login -c http://NODE_IP:30668
kubectl create -f aws/elb.yml
kubectl describe service concourse-external | grep 'LoadBalancer Ingress'
LoadBalancer Ingress:
fly -t atc login -c
kubectl create -f gcp/lb.yml
kubectl create -f vsphere/nsx-lb.yml
kubectl describe service concourse-external | grep 'LoadBalancer Ingress'
LoadBalancer Ingress:
fly -t atc login -c
For A Minikube based Kubernetes cluster, use the following handy script to get the Concourse IP/Port
MINIKUBE_IP=$(minikube ip)
EXTERNAL_PORT=$(kubectl get services concourse-external -o json | jq ".spec.ports[0].nodePort")
echo "Concourse Url: ${CONCOURSE_URL}"
fly -t atc login -c $CONCOURSE_URL
Expose concourse cluster through IAAS specific Load Balancer instead of NODE IP:Random_Port
Use Statefulsets and IAAS Storerage Class to configure a persisted HA postgres cluster
Resource Limitation on postgres, worker, and web