Starts a web browser instance and automatically refreshes the window on code changes. Basically a glorified glue script between Selenium and chokidar.
Since Habanero Refresh uses Selenium, you'll have to have the appropriate WebDriver for your browser in your PATH
export default {
browser: 'chrome',
url: 'http://localhost:8080',
watchFolders: ['./'],
watchFileExtensions: ['html', 'css', 'js', 'twig', 'jinja', 'php', 'py'],
ignored: ['node_modules', '.git'],
debug: false
To customize the configuration, just create a file with the name habanero-refresh.conf.mjs in your working directory. For example to use Firefox instead of Chrome, you just need:
export default {
browser: 'firefox'
All settings not mentioned in your configuration file, will keep their default values.