The Solar Calculator web application enables users to estimate the Nominal Power of a solar installation.
Users can search for an address on a map, draw a solar installation on the map and calculate the Nominal Power of the drawn solar installation.
Live Demo:
- install a recent version of node.js on your computer
- you will use this for building, bundling and hosting the web app
- install dependencies:
npm install
- build and bundle the application:
npx webpack
- run the application:
npx http-server src
- From your browser, navigate to the application at
- mapbox components for all map functionality - map panel, geocode search, polygon draw
- turf.js for measuring the area of the polygon drawn on the map
- webpack to bundle all of our .js files
- node.js for the development javascript runtime
- Nominal Power = amount of solar panels * Maximum power of each solar panel
- Nominal Power = (AreaPolygon / AreaSolarPanel) * MaxPowerOfSolarPanel
- Refine calculation of total amount of solar panels for a given area to work for area of a polygon. My calculation assumes area is a rectangle.
- Review and refine measurement for Nominal Power as I make several (probably incorrect) assumptions
- Utilize real solar data to refine the measurement beyond Standard Test Conditions
- ** implement this equation **