devise_suspendable is a simple module which uses the [Devise]( authentication framework Activatable module hooks to provide a simple clean way to suspend an account. When an account is suspended the date and time of suspension is recorded, as well as an optional reason, for easy reference.
(Assumes that you have devise already setup and your device models, e.g. User, are already created)
Add ‘gem devise_suspendable` in your Gemfile
Create a migration to update each of your device model(s), e.g. User, that you want to be suspendable
rails g devise_suspendable User
Run the migration
rake db:migrate
Mark the model as suspendable
class User < ActiveRecord::Base devise ..., :activatable, :suspendable ... end
:suspendable depends on :activatable
This plugin is similar to Lockable and can be used along side it, as long as Lockable is using token or timeouts as the unlock strategy. Lockable is great for failed login tracking, and subsequent locking, suspendable is best for manual account suspension
Maintaining your active users is part and parcel of running a web app
Josh Kalderimis for most of core logic for this gem
devise_lastseenable for essentially operating as the base for this gem
Jeweler for making it dead simple to write this gem
Released under the MIT license
Copyright © 2010, 2011 Josh Kalderimis, Amol Kelkar, Brian Artiaco