This plugin integrates PlantUML into the DukuWiki wiki engine. It allows to generate UML graph images from simple description text block.
- Create any UML graph supported by PlantUML.
- Generated images are PNGs.
- Generated images are cached and regenerated when needed.
- Toolbar button (optional)
- Control the display witdh, height and alignment.
- Works with the PlantUML webservice and/or a local installation.
Requirements (for local PlantUML installation):
- plantuml.jar
- Java runtime
- Graphviz You don't need this if you only want to generate sequence diagrams
See PlantUML Installation Notes for troubleshooting.
The plugin can use PlantUML server to generate diagrams. So nothing is required to be installed on the server running DokuWiki. However, the server must have a access to the Web. This can be an issue if you're on a Corporate network for example.
If you set java and plantuml location in the configuration (in the Administration section of DokuWiki), then java will be used to compress the url.
This block describes a sequence diagram:
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response
and results in:
Inside the start tag <uml>
, you can specify the width and/or height of the image using one of the following ways:
<uml w=100>
<uml width=100>
<uml w=80%>
<uml width=80%>
<uml 100x200>
By default, html img title attribute is set to "PlantUML Graph". You can specify your own graph title like this:
<uml title="This will be the title">
<uml t=Diagram>
Note: Multiple words need to be placed in double quotes.
- Willi Schönborn: rewrite of the syntax plugin with many additional features