A modern NodeJS implementation of the (unofficial) Tesla API.
Under development: features outlined below may not be final.
Tesla changed their Auth process so I need to update this API. Right now it does not work.
Ref: timdorr/tesla-api/issues/260
npm i node-tesla-api
I'm only focussing on the oauth
, vehicles
, and logs
parts of the Tesla API for now.
The API follows the commands outlined in the (unofficial) Tesla API, but uses camelCase instead of underscores.
You'll need to have access to a Tesla, and have a valid Tesla username and password to make use of this API.
Please feel free to use my Tesla referral code if you buy a Tesla - we both get some free charging that way.
My code is: david60377
const { oauth, vehicles } = require('node-tesla-api')
const sleep = async delay => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay))
const wakeCar = async ({ id, token, retry = 0, maxRetries = 3 }) => {
if (retry === maxRetries) return
const {
response: { state }
} = await vehicles.vehicle({ id, token })
if (state === 'online') return
await vehicles.wake({ id, token })
await sleep(DELAY)
// try again
await wakeCar({ id, token, retry: retry + 1, maxRetries })
const start = async (email, password) => {
const { accessToken: token } = await oauth.token({
// These values are an open secret.
// See https://tesla-api.timdorr.com for the latest values.
clientSecret: 'get-me-from-pastebin',
clientId: 'also-get-me-from-pastebin'
console.log('token', token)
const { response: cars } = await vehicles.list({ token })
console.log('cars', cars)
const { idS: id } = cars.find(car => car.displayName === 'Terry')
await wakeCar({ id, token })
const { response: state } = await vehicles.vehicleState({ id, token })
console.log('state', JSON.stringify(state, null, 2))
start('your-tesla@account.email', 'Y0uRP@55w0rd').catch(err => {
The API is broken down into
— you provide your username and password and get back atoken
- using thetoken
you interact with your vehicleslogs
- using thetoken
you can perform various diagnostics, but only if the token has the correct embedded permissions.
Controls how you obtain, refresh and revoke tokens.
const { oauth } = require('node-tesla-api')
Returns the accessToken
you will need to invoke the other api functions.
const { accessToken, refreshToken, tokenType, createdAt, expiresIn } = await oauth.token({
email: 'your-tesla@account.email',
password: 'your-password',
clientSecret: 'get-me-from-pastebin',
clientId: 'also-get-me-from-pastebin'
- On
- On
Returns a refreshed accessToken
. Use this if your original token has expired.
const { accessToken, refreshToken, tokenType, createdAt, expiresIn } = await oauth.refresh({
refreshToken: 'the refresh token you got back from the `token` function',
clientSecret: 'get-me-from-pastebin',
clientId: 'also-get-me-from-pastebin'
- On
- On
Revokes an accessToken
. Use this to log the user out.
await oauth.revoke({ token: 'the access token you got back from the `token` function' })
- On
: Not mentioned - On
Using the accessToken issued above you use the vehicles
functions to interact with your car.
const { vehicles } = require('node-tesla-api')
Get a list of your vehicles.
const { response: cars } = await vehicles.list({ token })
const {
id, // don't use this integer version as the number overflows
vehicleId, // a number, unsure what it's used for
vin, // a string
displayName, // a string
optionCodes, // a string of comma separated codes
color, // not sure - usually null
accessType, // e.g. 'OWNER'
tokens, // an array of tokens
state, // "online" if the car is online
inService, // boolean
idS, // use this string version of the id instead of id
calendarEnabled, // boolean
apiVersion, // a number, e.g. 10 right now.
backseatToken, // unsure what this is
backseatTokenUpdatedAt // timestamp or null
vehicleConfig, // e.g. null
} = cars[0]
- On
- On
Get the basic details of a specific vehicle.
// using the `idS` field returned from `vehicles.list`, not the `id`, or `vehicleId`.
// and the token from `oauth.token`
const {
id, // don't use this integer version as the number overflows
vehicleId, // a number, unsure what it's used for
vin, // a string
displayName, // a string
optionCodes, // a string of comma separated codes
color, // not sure - usually null
accessType, // e.g. 'OWNER'
tokens, // an array of two tokens
state, // "online" if the car is online
inService, // boolean
idS, // use this string version of the id instead of id
calendarEnabled, // boolean
apiVersion, // a number, e.g. 10 right now.
backseatToken, // unsure what this is
backseatTokenUpdatedAt // timestamp or null
vehicleConfig, // e.g. null
} = await vehicles.vehicle({ id, token })
- On
- On
The keen observer will note that this is the same data as returned in the vehicle list response.
When you first get the details of your car, you need to check the state
to see if it's 'online'
or not.
If the car's state
is 'asleep'
or otherwise not 'online'
then you need to wake it up before you can do anything with it.
Note You might also want to check to see if the car is inService
or false
) if you are going to do something like move it, or start it.
To wake up the car you send it a wake
command as follows:
await vehicles.wake({ id, token })
Now just because you told the car to wake, doesn't mean that the car will actually wake up. Sometimes your car can go into a deep-sleep mode, or it might even be off, or disconnected from the network.
You need to keep checking the state
and reissuing the wake
command until either the car really wakes up, or decide to stop trying.
// Check the `state` of the car recursively, trying three times to wake it up.
const wakeCar = async ({ id, token, retry = 0, maxRetries = 3 }) => {
if (retry === maxRetries) return
const {
response: { state }
} = await vehicles.vehicle({ id, token })
if (state === 'online') return
await vehicles.wake({ id, token })
await sleep(DELAY)
// try again
await wakeCar({ id, token, retry: retry + 1, maxRetries })
Then you can just call
await wakeCar({ id, token })
ToDo: Compose a high-level API that simplifies the use of this low-level API wrapper. (See issues/28)
- On
- On
Now you know how to wake your car, let's take a look at the full set of car data.
const {
response: {
id, // don't use this.
vehicleId, // or this
displayName, // TODO: Is this ever different to `vehicleName`?
accessType, // e.g. "OWNER" TODO: find out these values.
tokens, // array of two small strings
state, // should be "online",
inService, // boolean,
idS, // use this instead of `id`
calendarEnabled, // boolean
apiVersion, // e.g. 10
backseatToken, // TODO: find out what this is for
backseatTokenUpdatedAt, // TODO: find out what this is for
vehicleConfig: {
canAcceptNavigationRequests, // boolean
canActuateTrunks, // boolean
carSpecialType, // e.g. "base" TODO: find out these values.
carType, // mine is a "model3" TODO: find out these values.
chargePortType, // mine is "CCS" TODO: find out these values.
eceRestrictions, // boolean
euVehicle, // boolean (e.g. true but I am in AU)
exteriorColor, // mine is "MidnightSilver" TODO: find out these values.
hasAirSuspension, // boolean
hasLudicrousMode, // boolean
keyVersion, // e.g. 2
motorizedChargePort, // boolean
plg, // boolean (e.g. false)
rearSeatHeaters, // e.g. 1 - I have rear seat heaters
rearSeatType, // e.g. null
rhd, // right hand drive? (e.g. true)
roofColor, // e.g. "Glass" TODO: find out these values.
seatType, // e.g. null
spoilerType, // e.g. "None"
sunRoofInstalled, // e.g. null,
thirdRowSeats, // e.g. "<invalid>", TODO: find out these values.
timestamp: vcTimestamp, // unix epoch timestamp
useRangeBadging, // e.g. true,
wheelType, // e.g. "Pinwheel18" TODO: find out these values.
chargeState: {
batteryHeaterOn, // boolean
batteryLevel, // integer percentage
batteryRange, // floating point value using imperial units (miles)
chargeCurrentRequest, // how many amps the car wants (e.g. 8)
chargeCurrentRequestMax, // how many amps the car can have (e.g. 8)
chargeEnableRequest, // boolean
chargeEnergyAdded, // floating point number (e.g 10.15)
chargeLimitSoc, // integer percentage (e.g 94)
chargeLimitSocMax, // integer percentage (e.g 100)
chargeLimitSocMin, // integer percentage (e.g 50)
chargeLimitSocStd, // integer percentage (e.g 90)
chargeMilesAddedIdeal, // floating point number (e.g 41.5)
chargeMilesAddedRated, // floating point number (e.g 41.5)
chargePortColdWeatherMode, // boolean
chargePortDoorOpen, // boolean
chargePortLatch, // e.g "Engaged" TODO: find out these values.
chargeRate, // a number TODO: check these values when charging the car
chargeToMaxRange, // boolean
chargerActualCurrent, // a number e.g 0 TODO: check these values when charging the car
chargerPhases, // 1 = single, 3 = three TODO: is there such a thing as 2 phase power?
chargerPilotCurrent, // something else measured in amps (e.g. 8)
chargerPower, // a number (TODO: check these values when charging the car)
chargerVoltage, // an integer (e.g 2)
chargingState, // e.g. "Stopped" TODO: find out these values.
connChargeCable, // e.g. "IEC" TODO: find out these values.
estBatteryRange, // floating point value using imperial units (miles) (e.g. 273.36)
fastChargerBrand, // e.g. "<invalid>"
fastChargerPresent, // boolean
fastChargerType, // e.g. "MCSingleWireCAN" TODO: find out these values.
idealBatteryRange,// floating point value using imperial units (miles) (e.g. 281.16)
managedChargingActive, // boolean
managedChargingStartTime, // a timestamp or null
managedChargingUserCanceled, // boolean
maxRangeChargeCounter, // TODO: maybe how the car knows to warn you about overcharging.
minutesToFullCharge, // integer count (e.g 0)
notEnoughPowerToHeat: null, // e.g. null TODO: find out these values.
scheduledChargingPending, // boolean
scheduledChargingStartTime, // unix epoch timestamp
timeToFullCharge, // integer count (e.g 0)
timestamp: chsTimestamp,// unix epoch timestamp
tripCharging, // boolean
usableBatteryLevel, // integer percentage (e.g 93)
userChargeEnableRequest // e.g. null TODO: find out these values.
climateState: {
batteryHeater, // boolean
batteryHeaterNoPower, // e.g. null TODO: find out these values.
climateKeeperMode, // e.g "off" TODO: find out these values.
defrostMode, // e.g. 0. TODO: find out these values.
driverTempSetting, // e.g. 22 (uses GUI setting `guiTemperatureUnits`)
fanStatus, // e.g. 0. TODO: find out these values.
insideTemp, // e.g. 16.2 (uses GUI setting `guiTemperatureUnits`)
isAutoConditioningOn, // boolean
isClimateOn, // boolean
isFrontDefrosterOn, // boolean
isPreconditioning, // boolean
isRearDefrosterOn, // boolean
leftTempDirection, // e.g. 326 - range is 0 to 360 presumably.
maxAvailTemp, // e.g. 28 (uses GUI setting `guiTemperatureUnits`)
minAvailTemp, // e.g. 15 (uses GUI setting `guiTemperatureUnits`)
outsideTemp, // e.g. 15.5 (uses GUI setting `guiTemperatureUnits`)
passengerTempSetting, // e.g. 22 (uses GUI setting `guiTemperatureUnits`)
remoteHeaterControlEnabled, // boolean
rightTempDirection // e.g. 326 - range is 0 to 360 presumably.
seatHeaterLeft, // 0 = off, else 1, 2, or 3
seatHeaterRearCenter, // 0 = off, else 1, 2, or 3
seatHeaterRearLeft, // 0 = off, else 1, 2, or 3
seatHeaterRearRight, // 0 = off, else 1, 2, or 3
seatHeaterRight, // 0 = off, else 1, 2, or 3
sideMirrorHeaters, // boolean
timestamp: clsTimestamp, // unix epoch timestamp again
wiperBladeHeater: false
driveState: {
gpsAsOf, // unix epoch timestamp
heading, // e.g. 340 0 to 360 integer degrees
latitude, // e.g. -30.336537
longitude, // e.g. 141.145116,
nativeLatitude, // e.g. -30.336537 TODO: what's this all about?
nativeLocationSupported, // e.g. 1 TODO: what's this all about?
nativeLongitude, // e.g. 141.145116 TODO: what's this all about?
nativeType, // e.g. "wgs" TODO: get acceptable values for this
power, // e.g. 0 TODO: get acceptable values for this
shiftState, // e.g. null TODO: get acceptable values for this
speed, // e.g. null TODO: find out the units for this but my guess is imperial units (mph)
timestamp: dsTimestamp, // e.g. 1600552117638
guiSettings: {
gui24HourTime, // boolean
guiChargeRateUnits, // e.g. "kW" TODO: get acceptable values for this
guiDistanceUnits, // e.g. "km/hr" TODO: get acceptable values for this
guiRangeDisplay, // e.g. "Rated" TODO: get acceptable values for this
guiTemperatureUnits, // e.g. "C" TODO: get acceptable values for this
showRangeUnits, // boolean
timestamp: gsTimestamp, // unix epoch timestamp
vehicleState: {
apiVersion, // e.g. 10,
autoparkStateV2, // e.g. "standby" TODO: get acceptable values for this
autoparkStyle, // e.g. "standard", "dead_man" TODO: get acceptable values for this
calendarSupported, // boolean
carVersion, // e.g. "2020.36.10 010e3e5a2863",
centerDisplayState, // e.g. 0 = off, 2 = on, 3 = charging screen, 7 = sentry mode, 8 = dog mode
df, // e.g. 0 (driver-side front tyre/someone sitting?) TODO: get acceptable values
dr, // e.g. 0 (driver-side rear tyre/someone sitting?) TODO: get acceptable values
fdWindow, // e.g. 0 (front driver-side window) TODO: get acceptable values
fpWindow, // e.g. 0 (front passenger-side window) TODO: get acceptable values
ft, // e.g. 0 (front trunk) TODO get acceptable values
isUserPresent, // boolean
lastAutoparkError, // e.g. "no_error",
locked, // boolean
mediaState: {
remoteControlEnabled // boolean
notificationsSupported, // boolean
odometer, // e.g 16686.68661 always in imperial units (miles)
parsedCalendarSupported, // boolean
pf, // e.g. 0 (passenger-side front tyre/someone sitting?) TODO: get acceptable values
pr, // e.g. 0 (passenger-side rear tyre/someone sitting?) TODO: get acceptable values
rdWindow, // e.g. 0 (rear driver-side window) TODO: get acceptable values
remoteStart, // boolean
remoteStartEnabled, // boolean
remoteStartSupported, // boolean
rpWindow, // e.g. 0 TODO no idea what this is (driver-side front)
rt, // e.g. 0 (rear trunk) TODO get acceptable values
sentryMode, // boolean
sentryModeAvailable, // boolean
smartSummonAvailable, // boolean
softwareUpdate: {
downloadPerc, // 0 if not downloading
expectedDurationSec, // e.g. 2700 but no update downloading
installPerc, // 1 if not installing
status, // e.g. ''
version, // e.g. ''
speedLimitMode: {
active, // boolean
currentLimitMph, // always in imperial units
maxLimitMph, // always in imperial units
minLimitMph, // always in imperial units
pinCodeSet, // boolean
summonStandbyModeEnabled, // boolean
timestamp, // numeric unix epoch time
valetMode, // boolean
valetPinNeeded, // boolean
vehicleName // TODO: is this different to the displayName of the vehicle?
} = await vehicles.vehicleState({ id, token })
- On
- On
The car's current state (This is the same as the vehicleState
field in the response to vehicles.vehicleData()
const {
response: {
apiVersion, // e.g. 10
autoparkStateV2, // 'standby' or ? (also seeing `autoparkStateV3` in docs)
autoparkStyle, // e.g. 'standard', 'dead_man'
calendarSupported, // boolean
carVersion, // e.g. '2020.36.10 010e3e5a2863'
centreDisplayState, // e.g. 0 = off, 2 = on, 3 = charging screen, 7 = sentry mode, 8 = dog mode
df, // driver-side front door 0 = closed, non-zero is open.
dr, // driver-side rear door 0 = closed, non-zero is open.
fdWindow, // e.g. 0 = closed, non-zero is open (front driver-side window) TODO is it a %?
fpWindow, // e.g. 0 = closed, non-zero is open (front passenger-side window) TODO is it a %?
ft, // front trunk (aka frunk) 0 = closed, non-zero is open.
isUserPresent, // boolean
lastAutoparkError, // 'no_error'
locked, // boolean
mediaState: { // see also the `mediaState` command
remoteControlEnabled, // e.g. true. boolean
notificationsSupported, // boolean
odometer, // NOTE always in miles not metric
parsedCalendarSupported, // boolean
pf, // passenger-side front door 0 = closed, non-zero is open.
pr, // passenger-side rear door 0 = closed, non-zero is open.
rdWindow, // e.g. 0 (rear driver-side window)
remoteStart, // boolean
remoteStartEnabled, // boolean
remoteStartSupported, // boolean
rpWindow, // e.g. 0 (rear passenger-side window)
rt, // rear trunk (aka boot) 0 = closed, non-zero is open.
sentryMode, // boolean
sentryModeAvailable, // boolean
smartSummonAvailable, // boolean
softwareUpdate: {
downloadPerc, // 0 if not downloading
expectedDurationSec, // e.g. 2700 but no update downloading
installPerc, // 1 if not installing
status, // e.g. ''
version, // e.g. ''
speedLimitMode; {
active, // boolean
currentLimitMph, // always in imperial units
maxLimitMph, // always in imperial units
minLimitMph, // always in imperial units
pinCodeSet, // boolean
summonStandbyModeEnabled, // boolean
timestamp, // numeric unix epoch time
valetMode, // boolean
valetPinNeeded, // boolean
vehicleName // TODO: is this different to the displayName of the vehicle?
} = await vehicles.vehicleState({ id, token })
- On
- On
: not listed
The car's configuration (This is the same as the vehicleConfig
field in the response to vehicles.vehicleData()
const {
response: {
canAcceptNavigationRequests, // boolean
canActuateTrunks, // boolean
carSpecialType, // e.g. "base" TODO: find out these values.
carType, // mine is a "model3" TODO: find out these values.
chargePortType, // mine is "CCS" TODO: find out these values.
eceRestrictions, // boolean
euVehicle, // boolean (e.g. true but I am in AU)
exteriorColor, // mine is "MidnightSilver" TODO: find out these values.
hasAirSuspension, // boolean
hasLudicrousMode, // boolean
keyVersion, // e.g. 2
motorizedChargePort, // boolean
plg, // boolean (e.g. false)
rearSeatHeaters, // e.g. 1 - I have rear seat heaters
rearSeatType, // e.g. null
rhd, // right hand drive? (e.g. true)
roofColor, // e.g. "Glass" TODO: find out these values.
seatType, // e.g. null
spoilerType, // e.g. "None"
sunRoofInstalled, // e.g. null,
thirdRowSeats, // e.g. "<invalid>", TODO: find out these values.
timestamp, // unix epoch timestamp
useRangeBadging, // e.g. true,
wheelType // e.g. "Pinwheel18" TODO: find out these values.
} = await vehicles.vehicleConfig({ id, token })
- On
- On
: not listed
The car's current charge state. (This is the same as the chargeState
field in the response to vehicles.vehicleData()
const {
response: {
batteryHeaterOn, // boolean
batteryLevel, // integer percentage
batteryRange, // floating point value using imperial units (miles)
chargeCurrentRequest, // how many amps the car wants (e.g. 8)
chargeCurrentRequestMax, // how many amps the car can have (e.g. 8)
chargeEnableRequest, // boolean
chargeEnergyAdded, // floating point number (e.g 10.15)
chargeLimitSoc, // integer percentage (e.g 94)
chargeLimitSocMax, // integer percentage (e.g 100)
chargeLimitSocMin, // integer percentage (e.g 50)
chargeLimitSocStd, // integer percentage (e.g 90)
chargeMilesAddedIdeal, // floating point number (e.g 41.5)
chargeMilesAddedRated, // floating point number (e.g 41.5)
chargePortColdWeatherMode, // boolean
chargePortDoorOpen, // boolean
chargePortLatch, // e.g "Engaged" TODO: find out these values.
chargeRate, // a number (TODO: check these values when charging the car)
chargeToMaxRange, // boolean
chargerActualCurrent, // a number (TODO: check these values when charging the car)
chargerPhases, // 1 = single, 3 = three TODO: is there such a thing as 2 phase power?
chargerPilotCurrent, // something else measured in amps (e.g. 8)
chargerPower, // a number (TODO: check these values when charging the car)
chargerVoltage, // an integer (e.g 2)
chargingState, // e.g. "Stopped" TODO: find out these values.
connChargeCable, // e.g. "IEC" TODO: find out these values.
estBatteryRange, // floating point value using imperial units (miles) (e.g. 273.36)
fastChargerBrand, // e.g. "<invalid>"
fastChargerPresent, // boolean
fastChargerType, // e.g. "MCSingleWireCAN" TODO: find out these values.
idealBatteryRange, // floating point value using imperial units (miles) (e.g. 281.16)
managedChargingActive, // boolean
managedChargingStartTime, // a timestamp or null
managedChargingUserCanceled, // boolean
maxRangeChargeCounter, // TODO: maybe how the car knows to warn you about overcharging.
minutesToFullCharge, // integer count (e.g 0)
notEnoughPowerToHeat: null, // e.g. null TODO: find out these values.
scheduledChargingPending, // boolean
scheduledChargingStartTime, // unix epoch timestamp
timeToFullCharge, // integer count (e.g 0)
timestamp, // unix epoch timestamp
tripCharging, // boolean
usableBatteryLevel, // integer percentage (e.g 93)
userChargeEnableRequest // e.g. null TODO: find out these values.
} = await vehicles.chargeState({ id, token })
- On
- On
: 'charge-state'
The car's current climate state. (This is the same as the climateState
field in the response to vehicles.vehicleData()
const {
response: {
batteryHeater, // boolean
batteryHeaterNoPower, // e.g. null TODO: find out these values.
climateKeeperMode, // e.g "off" TODO: find out these values.
defrostMode, // e.g. 0. TODO: find out these values.
driverTempSetting, // e.g. 22 (uses GUI setting `guiTemperatureUnits`)
fanStatus, // e.g. 0. TODO: find out these values.
insideTemp, // e.g. 16.2 (uses GUI setting `guiTemperatureUnits`)
isAutoConditioningOn, // boolean
isClimateOn, // boolean
isFrontDefrosterOn, // boolean
isPreconditioning, // boolean
isRearDefrosterOn, // boolean
leftTempDirection, // e.g. 326 - range is 0 to 360 presumably.
maxAvailTemp, // e.g. 28 (uses GUI setting `guiTemperatureUnits`)
minAvailTemp, // e.g. 15 (uses GUI setting `guiTemperatureUnits`)
outsideTemp, // e.g. 15.5 (uses GUI setting `guiTemperatureUnits`)
passengerTempSetting, // e.g. 22 (uses GUI setting `guiTemperatureUnits`)
remoteHeaterControlEnabled, // boolean
rightTempDirection // e.g. 326 - range is 0 to 360 presumably.
seatHeaterLeft, // 0 = off, else 1, 2, or 3
seatHeaterRearCenter, // 0 = off, else 1, 2, or 3
seatHeaterRearLeft, // 0 = off, else 1, 2, or 3
seatHeaterRearRight, // 0 = off, else 1, 2, or 3
seatHeaterRight, // 0 = off, else 1, 2, or 3
sideMirrorHeaters, // boolean
timestamp, // unix epoch timestamp again
wiperBladeHeater: false
} = await vehicles.climateState({ id, token })
- On
- On
: 'climate-state'
The car's current location and driving state. (This is the same as the driveState
field in the response to vehicles.vehicleData()
const {
response: {
gpsAsOf, // unix epoch timestamp
heading, // e.g. 340 0 to 360 integer degrees
latitude, // e.g. -30.336537
longitude, // e.g. 141.145116,
nativeLatitude, // e.g. -30.336537 TODO: what's this all about?
nativeLocationSupported, // e.g. 1 TODO: what's this all about?
nativeLongitude, // e.g. 141.145116 TODO: what's this all about?
nativeType, // e.g. "wgs" TODO: get acceptable values for this
power, // e.g. 0 TODO: get acceptable values for this
shiftState, // e.g. null TODO: get acceptable values for this
speed, // e.g. null TODO: find out the units for this but my guess is imperial units (mph)
timestamp // e.g. 1600552117638
} = await vehicles.driveState({ id, token })
- On
- On
: 'drive-state'
Localisation settings including units for distances, temperatures, and charge, as well as the clock type. (This is the same as the guiSettings
field in the response to vehicles.vehicleData()
const {
response: {
gui24HourTime, // boolean
guiChargeRateUnits, // e.g. "kW" TODO: get acceptable values for this
guiDistanceUnits, // e.g. "km/hr" TODO: get acceptable values for this
guiRangeDisplay, // e.g. "Rated" TODO: get acceptable values for this
guiTemperatureUnits, // e.g. "C" TODO: get acceptable values for this
showRangeUnits, // boolean
timestamp: gsTimestamp // unix epoch timestamp
} = await vehicles.guiSettings({ id, token })
- On
- On
: 'gui-settings'
Is mobile access enabled?
const { response: mobileEnabled } = await vehicles.mobileEnabled({ id, token })
- On
- On
: 'mobile-enabled'
Current servicing data.
const {
response: {
// unknown fields - maybe only of use when the car is booked in for service.
} = await vehicles.serviceData({ id, token })
- On
: not mentioned - On
: 'vehicle-service-data'
Lists Tesla-operated charging stations near to the car.
const {
response: {
congestionSyncTimeUtcSecs, // integer number of seconds
destinationCharging: [
location: {
lat: dcLat, // e.g. -35.312247
long: dcLong, // e.g. 149.133236
name: dcName, // e.g. "Hotel Realm Canberra"
type: dcType, // e.g. "destination"
distanceMiles: dcDist // e.g. 11.807002
superchargers: [
location: {
lat: scLat, // e.g. -35.294304,
long: scLong, // e.g. 149.190322
name: scName, // e.g. "Canberra, ACT"
type: scType, // e.g. "supercharger"
distanceMiles: scDist, // e.g. 11.87435
availableStalls, // e.g. 5
totalStalls, // e.g. 6
siteClosed // boolean
"timestamp" // unix epoch timestamp
} = await vehicles.nearbyChargingSites({ id, token })
- On
- On
: not mentioned
If you have allowed your car to share your calendar then this will list your upcoming calendar entries.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.upcomingCalendarEntries({ id, token })
- On
- On
It's great to be able to get data from your car, but what about making it do things? We already saw the wake
command above.
Commands all return a response with a result
(boolean) and, if the result
is false
, a reason
Beeps the car's horn. toot!
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.honkHorn({ id, token })
- On
- On
Flashes the car's headlights.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.flashLights({ id, token })
- On
- On
Start the car's climate control system. It will use the temperature and set-warming options you've previously set. Repeated calls to this will not cause an error, though obviously if the car's climate control system is on it's not going to turn on again.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.autoConditioningStart({ id, token })
- On
- On
Stop the car's climate control system.
Note: If you call this when the car's climate control system is already off you will get a ECONNABORTED
error rather than a response of { result: false, reason: 'some reason' }
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.autoConditioningStop({ id, token })
- On
- On
Sets the temperature for the car's climate control system.
The request requires the parameter driverTemp
. It also accepts a passengerTemp
but only the driverTemp
is actually used right now. This may change in the future.
- The values for
are always in Metric (°C
) no matter what you have set inguiSettings
. - If you set the temperature very low or very high the HVAC system will start heating or cooling immediately.
const driverTemp = 23.4 // degrees celsius.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.setTemps({ id, token, driverTemp })
- On
- On
the api claims that the params get passed in as query params but this is not actually true.
Toggles the climate controls between Max Defrost and the previous setting.
You can pass on: true
, or 'on: false' to this multiple times, without error.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.setPreconditioningMax({ id, token, on: true })
- On
- On
: not listed
Sets the seat heater level for the nominated seat.
Note You must have already turned the car's climate system on first with autoConditioningStart
for this to work. If you don't you'll get an error. Also in testing I found this API call quite prone to timeout errors.
Value | Seat |
0 |
front left |
1 |
front right |
2 |
rear left |
3 |
rear center |
4 |
rear right |
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.setSeatHeater({ id, token, heater: 0, level: 1 })
- On
- On
: not listed
Turns the steering wheel heater on or off.
Note You must have already turned the car's climate system on first with autoConditioningStart
for this to work. If you don't you'll get an error.
Also Note I am not sure that my Model 3 even has a steering wheel heater so all I get from this is a timeout error.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.setSteeringWheelHeater({ id, token, on: true }) // or on: false
- On
- On
: not listed
Either toggles the media between playing
and paused
, or if the car is tuned to a radio station, this mutes or un-mutes the audio.
Note You, or someone, must have turned the car on and be sitting in it for this to work. If you don't you'll get a 'user_not_present' error.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.mediaTogglePlayback({ id, token })
- On
- On
: not listed
Skips the media to the next track, unless the car is tuned to a radio station.
Note You, or someone, must have turned the car on and be sitting in it for this to work. If you don't you'll get a 'user_not_present' error.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.mediaNextTrack({ id, token })
- On
- On
: not listed
Skips the media to the previous track, unless the car is tuned to a radio station.
Note You, or someone, must have turned the car on and be sitting in it for this to work. If you don't you'll get a 'user_not_present' error.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.mediaPrevTrack({ id, token })
- On
- On
: not listed
Skips the media to the next 'favourite', however that is defined, e.g if the car is tuned to a radio station, it switches to the next radio station in your favourites.
Note You, or someone, must have turned the car on and be sitting in it for this to work. If you don't you'll get a 'user_not_present' error.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.mediaNextFav({ id, token })
- On
- On
: not listed
Skips the media to the previous 'favourite', however that is defined, e.g if the car is tuned to a radio station, it switches to the previous radio station in your favourites.
Note You, or someone, must have turned the car on and be sitting in it for this to work. If you don't you'll get a 'user_not_present' error.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.mediaPrevFav({ id, token })
- On
- On
: not listed
Turns the volume up.
Note You, or someone, must have turned the car on and be sitting in it for this to work. If you don't you'll get a 'user_not_present' error.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.mediaVolumeUp({ id, token })
- On
- On
: not listed
Turns the volume down.
Note You, or someone, must have turned the car on and be sitting in it for this to work. If you don't you'll get a 'user_not_present' error.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.mediaVolumeDown({ id, token })
- On
- On
: not listed
Share a video url, or navigation destination. If the car is in 'theatre mode' the url will launch the appropriate player. If the value
you send is a street address, then it will set the navigation system to navigate to that address.
If the car can't understand the value you send it will return an error.
const value = '1 Commonwealth Avenue, Yarralumla ACT 2600, Australia'
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.share({ id, token, value, locale: 'en-AU' }) // locale is optional, it will default to your OS's system locale.
- On
- On
: not listed
Turn sentry mode on or off.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.setSentryMode({ id, token, on: true }) // or `on: false` for off.
- On
- On
: not listed
Opens (or 'pops' depending on your hardware) the 'frunk' or boot.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.actuateTrunk({ id, token, which: 'front' }) // for the 'frunk', or `which: 'rear'` for the boot.
- On
- On
: not listed
Lets you 'vent' or 'close' the car's windows.
Note to 'close' the windows you must also provide a gps location that's close to the car. You can get the car's current gps location from vehicles.driveState
. Alternatively you could issue a lock
command which will also close the windows if the car was not locked.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.windowControl({ id, token, command: 'vent' })
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.windowControl({ id, token, command: 'close', lat: -35.297476, lon: 149.12579 })
- On
- On
: not listed
Lets you 'vent' or 'close' the car's sun roof if it has a sun roof.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.sunRoofControl({ id, token, state: 'vent' })
- On
- On
: not listed
Lets you trigger the HomeLink controller if it is connected.
Note You must also provide a gps location that's close to the homelink device.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.triggerHomelink({ id, token, lat: -35.297476, lon: 149.12579 })
- On
- On
: not listed
If you have a pending software update, this command lets you schedule a time for the install to happen. If you do not provide an offset then it will attempt to install immediately.
If there is no software update available you'll get a result: false
and reason: update_not_available
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.scheduleSoftwareUpdate({ id, token })
or, to install in an hour:
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.scheduleSoftwareUpdate({ id, token, offset: 3600 }) // offset is in seconds
- On
- On
: not listed
If you have a pending software update, and you've scheduled an installation time, then this lets you cancel that installation.
If there is no software update scheduled you'll get a result: false
and reason: no_update_scheduled
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.cancelSoftwareUpdate({ id, token })
- On
- On
: not listed
Valet Mode limits the car's top speed to 110 Kilometres per hour and 80kW of acceleration power. It also disables Homelink, Bluetooth, and Wifi settings, as well as the ability to disable mobile access to the car.
It also hides your favourites, as well as your home, and work locations in navigation.
If you provide a password then anyone with that password, (a numeric PIN) can disable Valet Mode from the screen in the car. You can always disable Valet Mode from the API without a password however. It only applies to the person driving your car.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.setValetMode({ id, token, on: true, password: 1234 })
- On
- On
Clears the Valet Mode PIN
, meaning that once Valet Mode is disabled, you can enable it with or without a new PIN
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await vehicles.resetValetPin({ id, token })
- On
- On
Using the accessToken
issued above, if you have the appropriate 'entitlements' (defined by Tesla and embedded into the token Tesla give you) you can you use the logs
functions to perform diagnostics on your account. Use logs.getEntitlements
to check if you have the right permissions.
const { logs } = require('node-tesla-api')
Does your token
allow you to perform diagnostics?
const {
response: { eligible } // eligible will be true or false
} = await logs.getEntitlements({ token })
- On
: not listed - On
If you are eligible for logs you can get the account logs associated with your token. hint you probably are not eligible.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await logs.getLogs({ token })
- On
: not listed - On
It's hard to know what this does.
const {
response: { result, reason }
} = await logs.sendEntitlements({ token })
- On
: not listed - On
branch | status | coverage | audit | notes |
develop |
work in progress | |||
main |
latest stable release |
npm install
npm run lint
Note this will also run whenever you commit file changes.
npm run prettier
Note: this will also run whenever you commit file changes.
npm test
or with code coverage
npm run test:unit:cov
Please see the contributing notes.
- Cross check the API with the latest updates
- Add API unit tests and bring test coverage to 100%
- DRY up the code some more
- Improve documentation