Development is planned in sprints. All sprint plans and reflections can be found in the SE-deliverables directory.
- R.S. Graafmans
- Emiel Rietdijk
- D.R. Struijk
- F.A. van Doorn
- M.J.E. van Osch
Branching will be done somewhat like: A successful Git branching model (except omitting release branches). This means we will have feature branches that merge into develop using pull requests. Once we've reached a new milestone, it will be tagged and pushed to master.
Master must always have a running version and pass all tests. If something critical needs to be fixed immediately, we create a hotfix branch and make a pull request into master. Feature branches are prefixed "feature-", and hotfix branches are prefixed "hotfix-".
For audio processing, we use TarsosDSP (and TarsosTranscoder for mp3 decoding). Because they are not maven projects, you need to download them manually to your local maven repository. To achieve this, run:
cd contextproject-ms3
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=be.tarsos.dsp -DartifactId=TarsosDSP -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=2.2 -Dfile=TarsosDSP-2.2.jar -DgeneratePom=true
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=be.tarsos.transcoder -DartifactId=TarsosTranscoder -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=1.2 -Dfile=TarsosTranscoder-1.2.jar -DgeneratePom=true
It helps to have JavaFX integrated into Eclipse itself, by going to Help -> Install New Software
with URL:
Maven tests are ran each time someone pushes to github, using Travis CI. (configuration can be found in the .travis.yml file)
You can run mvn site
to create reports for:
- Checkstyle (coding standards)
- Cobertura (code coverage)
- FindBugs (bug discovery)
- CPD (duplicate code detection)
- PMD (verification of coding rules)
Results can be found under target/site/index.html -> Project Reports.
The Travis configuration is compatible with Octopull, which will add all mentioned code style warnings to a pull request.