- Using left and right arrow for moving the token.
- Use up / down arrow or spacebar to drop token
Game is turn based. Winning condition is checked after every move. Once there is a winner, the token stays either red or blue. For fun, the winning player can fill up the board if they wish.
see spec/models/game_spec.rb
rake db:test:prepare
rake spec
Having two game players is handled internally by who is red and not red. red_turn in db.
Only table being used is Games Winning condition is checked everytime a valid move is played. A winner can continue adding tokens.
Most of the Javascript logic is located in a coffeescript file app/javascripts/play.coffee
Get state of a game
GET /api/v1/games/game_state/[ID].json
Add a token
POST /api/v1/games/add_token', {id:[GAME ID], column: [COLUMN]}
- Allow clicking on column header to select and drop token
- Adjust show.json to use API route
- Remove global refrences to window.game in class Game in coffeescript
- Add login system so that games have players.
- Add Testing
- Add Security