Professional workout and diet diary in React and Express / MongoDB backend with Material Design Boostrap and Bootstrap 4. Style wrote in SASS.
- components - all no-view React .js components in folders with styles in SASS,
- img - all images used in projects,
- redux - all redux files used in projects,
- styles - global.scss file with global styles, mixins & variables in SaSS,
- views - all view React .js components in folders with styles
- middleware - all middleware connections,
- models - models for data validation,
- routes - all routes for react-router,
- schemas - all schemas for express object
- boostrap,
- expressJS,
- mdboostrap,
- mongodb,
- mongoose,
- react,
- redux,
- add loader spinners in all loading components
- add animations
- correct RWD
- work on other style in components
- edit meal in NewMenu component
- share workout & diet plan to others users
- create general database of nutrient products
- register & login with google *facebook
- recall password
- verify email before active account
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Runs the server with Database.