This project is a simple Chess game that allows users to select whether they want to play a local or an online game. Online games require a server to be started and must have two players before anyone tries moving. The project was developed in Java using Swing and AWT libraries for graphics.
Run Chess Driver which will then prompt which format of game you would like to play. If local format is selected, two players will play against each other on the same computer. If Server is selected the server will begin and you may then connect using online format. In order for online to function properly you must wait for both player to be connected before attempting to exececute a move.
- Image pieces instead of unicode chars
- Saving multiple games
- Legal moves are highlighted
- Checking piece is highlighted red
- Competitive mode with timers
- Each player's timer is highlighted when it is their turn
- Display captured pieces
- David McLain
- Adrian Moore
- Martin Cox
- Luke Niemann