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Releases: davidberenstein1957/concise-concepts

resolved #10 #11 custom matching patterns and Gensim model issues

24 Sep 12:14
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#11 added support for more custom matching patterns via 4 config variables.

  • ´exclude_pos´: A list of POS tags to be excluded from the rule based match.
  • ´exclude_dep´: A list of dependencies to be excluded from the rule based match.
  • ´include_compound_words´: If True, it will include compound words in the entity. For example, if the entity is "New York", it will also include "New York City" as an entity.
  • ´case_sensitive´: Whether to match the case of the words in the text.

#10 resolved an issue where gensim Word2Vec and FastText models were not processed as KeyedVectors. Hence, the model did not load due to mis'interpretting it as an iterable object.

Also unified code regarding checking whether string are present in a model.

Also made sure that n-grams models and word matches are supported.

#9 resolved typo in key not present in dict logic

01 Jun 09:30
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#9 resolved small typo, always stating key not present if it is present

resolved #7 OOV words and keys

18 May 05:10
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added additional testing data for checking OOV words #7

overcome KeyError OOV words

16 May 06:59
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small correction for also verifying original data to avoid keyError


13 Apr 14:08
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Update pyproject.toml

resolved bug in pytest regarding Gensim model loading

13 Apr 12:33
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I introduced a small bug within try, excepts during model loading.

resolved Extension 'ent_score' already exists on Span.

02 Apr 07:15
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First check whether the Span extension 'ent_score' is present. If so, remove it, upon initializing a new concise-concepts.

first minor release

01 Apr 14:57
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  • resolved dependencies rule matcher
  • added entity scoring
  • settle inference around concept
  • add original data back to list after inference around concept

recurrent inference of examples to properly settle data around a concept

01 Apr 14:35
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added recurrent inference of differentiation of the original data to …

added support for entity confidence scoring and Fasttext models

01 Apr 11:03
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added example with ent_scores to readme