Decompiled CitiBike Android App
###Steps take to produce this package:
1) Used ApkExtrator to copy com.citibikenyc.citibike_1.0.apk
2) Ran apktool d com.citibikenyc.citibike_1.0.apk to generate what is in the com.citibikenyc.citibike_1.0
3) Ran unzip com.citibikenyc.citibike_1.0.apk
4) Ran dex2jar- classes.dex to generate classes_dex2jar.jar
Tools Used:
To checkout their data look in assets/ or in com.citibikenyc.citibike_1.0/assets
You can look at the SQLite database of all the bike lanes:
$ sqlite3 citibike_lanes
the table is bikelanes and has the following columns
if you run select * from bikelanes;
you should see TONS of starting and end points ready to be drawn on a map
branch.json looks like it has all of the locations
helmet.json looks like it has a list of bike shops
###Other things you can do
Open classes_dex2jar.jar with JD-GUI and look at the decompile source code
Grep the smali for URL's
$ cd com.citibikenyc.citibike_1.0/smali/com/citibikenyc
$ grep -R "http" .
./citibike/ContactFragment.smali: const-string v0, ""
./citibike/helpers/ShareHelper.smali: const-string v2, " riding a Citi Bike. Sent from the Citi Bike app. Download it here:"
./citibike/helpers/ShareHelper.smali: const-string v0, ""
./citibike/MainActivity.smali: const-string v1, ""
./citibike/MainActivity.smali: const-string v1, ""
./citibike/PlaceDataManager.smali:.field public static final ALTA_STATION_UPDATE_URL:Ljava/lang/String; = ""
./citibike/PlaceDataManager.smali:.field public static final ALTA_STATION_URL:Ljava/lang/String; = ""
./citibike/PlaceDataManager.smali:.field public static final BRANCH_URL:Ljava/lang/String; = ""
./citibike/PlaceDataManager.smali:.field public static final CONTENT_URL:Ljava/lang/String; = ""
./citibike/PlaceDataManager.smali:.field public static final HELMET_URL:Ljava/lang/String; = ""
./citibike/PlaceDataManager.smali:.field public static final TEST_STATION_UPDATE_URL:Ljava/lang/String; = ""
./citibike/PlaceDataManager.smali:.field public static final TEST_STATION_URL:Ljava/lang/String; = ""
./citibike/PlaceDataManager.smali: const-string v1, ""
./citibike/PlaceDataManager.smali: const-string v1, ""
./citibike/PlaceDataManager.smali: const-string v1, ""
./citibike/PlaceDataManager.smali: const-string v3, ""
./citibike/PlaceDataManager.smali: const-string v3, ""
./citibike/tasks/GetDirectionsTask.smali: const-string v7, ""
./citibike/tasks/MapGeocodeTask.smali: const-string v19, ""
./citibike/tasks/MapGeocodeTask.smali: const-string v19, ""
./citibike/tasks/MapGetPlaces.smali: const-string v14, ""