In this lab assignment, we are going to practice using stacks and queues with binary trees. We hope you enjoy this assignment! Let’s get started!
In this lab, we are going to play with arithmetic expressions. You are going to use two main representations of arithmetic expressions: post-fix notation (see class notes for details on what post-fix notation is) and as binary trees (see class notes for details on what such binary trees are like).
You will use the post-fix notation to evaluate your expression.
You will use the binary tree representation to: 1/ evaluation your expression, 2/ print your expression in in-fix notation with parentheses, and 3/ traverse it in level-order fashion to gather the list of all of its values and variables.
For this, you are going to have to manipulate / design a few types. We are providing you with the following guidelines:
- Post-fix notation of an arithmetic expression → represented by a string. You will define a type
. - Binary tree of an arithmetic expression → represented by a binary tree of data, called
that contains: String type
: can be"var"
, or"operator"
char operator
: can be'+'
int value
String variable
: can be any identifier for a variable, e.g.,"x"
Note: depending on what type contains, only one of the other 3 attributes will be relevant.
Let’s go over the details you will need to implement for each type. Note that we have provided you with the methods marked with a †.
String expression
†PostfixExpression(String e)
†: returns expression string
setExpression(String newExpr)
†: assigns newExpr to expression
: traverses the expression using IntStack and returns an integer: the integer value of the expressionPrint()
: prints out the expression in postfix notation
String type
†char operator
†int value
†String variable
†ExpressionBT left
†ExpressionBT right
†ExpressionBT(String[] e)
setType(String t)
†setValue(int v)
†setVariable(String var)
†setLeft(ExpressionBT b)
†setRight(ExpressionBT b)
: traverses the expression using recursion and returns an integer: the integer value of the expression. Note: only if there are no variables in the expression. If there are variables, print out that you cannot evaluate and return 0Print()
: prints out the expression in infix notation with parentheses, using aBTStack
: void method. It prints out all variables in the tree, if any. If there is no variable, it prints out"no variable in this expression"
. This method should use aBTQueue
: returns true if the expression contains at least one variable, false otherwise
To implement a few of the above methods, you will need to have a few additional types:
- A stack of integers, called
- A stack of nodes (nodes that form your expression binary tree):
- A queue of nodes (nodes that form your expression binary tree):
You are free to use any implementation you like of the above types, provided that they respect the following signatures of methods:
- For both stacks:
: returns the relevant content of the top element without removing it from the stackPop()
: returns the top element and removes it from the stackPush(data d)
: adds d on top of the stack
- For the queue:
:returns the relevant content of the head element without removing it from the queueDequeue()
: returns the top element and removes it from the queueEnqueue(data d)
: adds d to the tail of the queue
Note: You may have to implement additional methods such as: isEmpty
, isFull
, depending on your implementation choices.
Note: we provide you with:
- Some code pertaining to
; - Starter code for
; - Starter code for
; - Starter code for
; and - Starter code for
You have to complete all of the above files by following the guidelines provided to you earlier in this document.
over 300 pts
10 pts Code is deemed to be of high quality
- 20 pts
- 20 pts
- 20 pts
- 20 pts
- 20 pts
- 20 pts
- 20 pts
- 20 pts
- 20 pts
Push(data d)
- 20 pts
- 20 pts
- 20 pts
Push(data d)
- 20 pts
- 20 pts
- 20 pts
Enqueue(data d)
May 8th at 11:59pm
Submit your assignment on GitHub
Failing to follow submission instructions and guidelines will result in up to 15 points off your overall grade in this lab. So please pay attention.