Vue.OrchardCore Public
Vue.OrchardCore is an Orchard Core CMS Module that provides Vue.js as a resource.
Freelancer Public
Freelancer is an Orchard Core CMS Theme based on a Start Bootstrap template. It includes a portfolio, about, and contact us form.
ComingSoon Public
Custom theme for Orchard Core CMS based on the Coming Soon Start Bootstrap HTML template. The theme includes a custom Setup Recipe that creates a working under construction landing page.
Robots.OrchardCore Public
Robots.OrchardCore is an Orchard Core CMS Module that adds robots.txt functionality, allowing users with proper permissions to modify the robots.txt contents from the dashboard.
LiveChat Public
LiveChat is an Orchard Core CMS Module that provides the necessary settings to add script code from your live chat service to the website.
Carousel Public
Carousel is an Orchard Core CMS Module that creates a Boostrap 4 Carousel Widget. Requires no knowledge of HTML and supports customization via a liquid template.
WorkflowsRegex Public
WorkflowsRegex.OrchardCore is an Orchard Core CMS Module that provides a regular expression validator in Workflows for form fields. Beta 2 did not include a regular expression validator.
RoleLayerRule Public
RoleLayerRule.OrchardCore is an Orchard Core CMS Module that provides a role layer rule for displaying a layer based on user role.
Switcheroo Public
Switcheroo is an Orchard Core CMS Module that allows an administrator to change the currently active theme for the session using a query string parameter.
BootstrapAlert.OrchardCore Public
Bootstrap Alert is an Orchard Core CMS Module that adds a recipe to your Orchard Core CMS Website. When run, the recipe creates an Alert Widget and corresponding template to display a Bootstrap Alert.