- Easy to use and open source Point of Sale web-app.
- A simple way to manage your business' sales, clients, providers, products, services, etc.
- It provides a clear interface to view sales reports and analytics about your business.
- Manage your sales online, wherever you are, on any device.
Ruby on Rails and MySQL.
This project is very old, built on an old and probably insecure version of Rails, and written when I was learning Ruby/Rails, so it probably shouldn't be used in production anywhere and is provided more as a learning tool more than anything else.
I'd love to update it to a modern version of Ruby and Rails, but not sure when I'll get some free time to do so.
Clone the repository.
Install required gems:
sudo bundle install
modify the database info in config/database.yml and do a quick:
bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
That should take care of all tables and initial user (username: admin, password: admin), etc.
Done! You should be able to run:
bundle exec rails server
Or run it via pow.cx.
There's still some work to do, basically polish everywhere, and all the literature (TOS, FAQ, Help, About Us, etc.), but that should be done pretty much on a per-project basis using the included Page Admin.