python 'try evolving this sentence'
At this stage, this is a pure 'messing around' side project. My first goal is to write an environment in which sentences like Hello World can evolve from any other sentence or collection of characters.
The desired process is modelled after evolution as best as I could muster. It starts from any set of characters (say, '324X!#$'), and then goes through a gradual process of:
- making children by copying and mutating the 'father' sentence
- selectively killing/surviving these children by judging how well they match the goal sentence.
This is repeated until your goal sentence is reached or you give up.
Right now, this project supports three kind of mutations to sentences, each one of which can occur at a defined probability.
- Random Letter Change (say, 'a' -> 'x')
- Letter Duplication ('a' -> 'aa')
- Letter Deletion ('a' -> '')
Each sentence's "fitness" is derived from the Levenshtein distance between itself and the goal sentence. (
Right now evolving phrases without spaces works great (things like 'helloworldhowareyoutoday').
NOTE: there's nothing 'useful' for you here. Your only conceivable reason for grabbing this code is if you want to go through it's guts and play. If that's your bag - by all means, fork away and submit pull requests.