Ray is a library than can create windows, play music, and draw 2D graphics (or not too complex 3D by doing just a bit more work, thanks to OpenGL). It is meant to be easy and fun to use (à la Shoes), and still flexible and powerful.
See on this page. Also notice there's an IRC channel on freenode: #ray.
require 'ray'
Ray.game "Hello" do
register { add_hook :quit, method(:exit!) }
scene :hello do
@text = text "Hello world!", :size => 30, :angle => 30, :at => [50, 50]
render { |win| win.draw @text }
scenes << :hello
require 'ray'
class TitleScene < Ray::Scene
scene_name :title
def setup
# setup resources
def register
# register for events
def render(win)
# draw!
def clean_up
# perform cleanup
class GameScene < Ray::Scene
scene_name :game
# same stuff
# ...
class Game < Ray::Game
def initialize
super "Awesome Game"
# ...
scenes << :title
Ray has a drawable class that specifies a common interface to all the drawable objects – how to perform transformations to them and how to draw them.
obj = AnyDrawable.new
window.draw obj
obj.pos = [0, 2] # set position
obj.angle = 40 # rotation
obj.origin = [20, 20] # just sets the origin of transformations
# ...
# You can even have a completely custom transformation matrix:
obj.matrix = Ray::Matrix.translation [2, 3, 4]
When rendering to a window is not enough, you can render on an image just fine:
Ray::ImageTarget.new some_image do |target|
target.clear Ray::Color.red
target.draw Ray::Polygon.circle([50, 50], 10, Ray::Color.green)
Ray uses OpenGL, and provides some classes and methods to allow using it from
Ray. In fact, Ray::Drawable
can simply be used for OpenGL rendering:
# Ray has a more advanced sprite class, of course!
class CustomSprite < Ray::Drawable
def initialize(image)
super() # very important: creating the actual drawable
# Ray allocates a VBO to store your vertices.
# You could just use your own OpenGL binding to call glBegin and glEnd
# if you don't want to use it.
self.vertex_count = 4
# Tells Ray to enable texturing for this drawable
self.textured = true
@image = image
# return an array of vertices
def fill_vertices
Ray::Vertex.new([0, 0], Ray::Color.white, [0, 0]),
Ray::Vertex.new([@img.w, 0], Ray::Color.white, [1, 0]),
Ray::Vertex.new([@img.w, @img.h], Ray::Color.white, [1, 1]),
Ray::Vertex.new([0, @img.h], Ray::Color.white, [0, 1]),
# The index parameter is there in case you'd want to use
# draw_elements. You can fill indices by defining a fill_indices method
# and setting index_count.
def render(first, index)
# Some low level OpenGL calls are available
Ray::GL.draw_arrays :triangle_fan, first, 4
You can also create and use shaders from Ruby:
shader = Ray::Shader.new :vertex => "vertex_shader.glsl",
:frag => "frag_shader.glsl"
drawable.shader = shader
# You can't assign an image to a render target, but you can recompile it:
window.shader.compile :vertex => "vertex.glsl", :frag => "frag.glsl"
3D rendering is a very cool thing! Even if Ray's graphics module only uses 2D, a
3D API can be created with it. You can just use Ray::Drawable
again, but you
will ned to specify the layout of your vertices and to write your own shaders
(the default shaders are only designed for 2D). You will probably need a custom
projection matrix too.
class Cube < Ray::Drawable
include Ray::GL
Vertex = Ray::GL::Vertex.make [
[:pos, "in_Position", :vector3],
[:col, "in_Color", :color]
def initialize
super Vertex
# ...
# ...
# ...
# Tell the shader what vertex layout to use.
window.shader.apply_vertex Cube::Vertex
window.shader.compile :vertex => "vertex.glsl", :frag => "frag.glsl"
# Ray::Matrix can create 3D transformation and projection matrices!
window.view = Ray::View.new Ray::Matrix.perspective(90, 1, 1, 100)
Ray can play short sounds right away and stream longer ones — it uses OpenAL for this. 3D audio effects can be added as well.
@sound = sound "test.wav"
@music = music "test.ogg"
@music.volume = 80
@music.pitch = 0.9
@music.pos = [10, 20, 30]
Ray's events can be faked so that you can simulate user input in your tests:
require 'awesome_scene'
describe AwesomeScene do
before :each do
@game = AwesomeGame.new
@scene = @game.registered_scene(:awesome_scene)
it "has a cursor at (0, 0)" do
@scene.cursor.pos.should == [0, 0]
it "moves its cursor after the mouse moved" do
@game.raise_event :mouse_motion, Ray::Vector2[100, 100]
@scene.cursor.pos.should == [100, 100]
it "draws its cursor" do
@scene.window.should_receive(:draw, @scene.cursor)
@scene.render @scene.window
after :each do
You can animate the fact the state of an object is changing (its position, etc.) using Ray's animation objects:
animations << translation(:from => [0, 0], :to => [100, 100],
:duration => 4).start(@some_drawable)
(They can really be used to animate any change, not just those that are visible, and not just those applied to a drawable.)