The new version of UWSim intregates a Network Simulator to be used along with the dccomms API. This simulator uses the NS3 libraries and the AquaSimNG as a NS3 module. The documentation related to simulate communications is a work in progress and will be included in the Wiki as soon as we can (please, be patience).
- Prats, M.; Perez, J.; Fernandez, J.J.; Sanz, P.J., "An open source tool for simulation and supervision of underwater intervention missions", 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 2577-2582, 7-12 Oct. 2012
- Centelles, D.; Soriano-Asensi, A.; Martí, J.V.; Marín, R.; Sanz, P.J. Underwater Wireless Communications for Cooperative Robotics with UWSim-NET. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3526.
If you are getting the following error output when executing rosrun uwsim uwsim:
Starting UWSim...
Loading SimulatedDevices plugin: 'AcousticCommsDevice_Factory'
Loading SimulatedDevices plugin: 'CustomCommsDevice_Factory'
Loading SimulatedDevices plugin: 'DredgeTool_Factory'
Loading SimulatedDevices plugin: 'ForceSensor_Factory'
Loading SimulatedDevices plugin: 'SimDev_Echo_Factory'
. Setting localized world: 7.1e-05s
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'GeographicLib::GeographicErr'
what(): File not readable /usr/share/GeographicLib/geoids/egm96-5.pgm
/opt/ros/melodic/lib/uwsim/uwsim: line 23: 1452 Aborted (core dumped) rosrun uwsim uwsim_binary --dataPath ~/.uwsim/data $@
Run the following commands to fix it:
chmod u+x
sudo ./