I, David Plappert, am an Airbnb Superhost. I, also, want to be able to build tools to support my business, the way I want. Currently, I pay about $40 per month for tools that only do some of what I want. SmartBnb, Properly, QuickBooks, and others are a good start. However, I want more control, customization and automation.
- login to Airbnb and get an oauth token (this has to be frist before you do anything else)
- Get listings
- Get listing details
- Get messages
- Get message details
- Send messages
- Get calendar for a listing
- Update calendar for a listing (change prices, availbility, notes)
- get Payouts (used to get a list of reservations, past and future - also gives you exact $ for accounting)
- get reservation details
- get user details (info about your guests)
I assume you have node installed (nvm maybe?) and that you have a listing on AirBnb.
npm install bnbhostapi
(orgit clone git@github.com:davidplappert/bnbhostapi.git && npm install
)export bnbhostapi_username='xxxxxxx'
(replace with your email)export bnbhostapi_password='xxxxxxx'
(replace with your password)node examples/login.js
(this generates a oauth token we need for the rest of the api calls)export bnbhostapi_oauthtoken = xxxxxx
(output from the above script)node examples/getPayouts.js
(to make sure your setup is correct).
var bnbhostapi = require('bnbhostapi');
- leave reviews
- charge for extra services
- stats and more details for reporting