Code sample utilizing jQuery, RequireJS, and LessJS. Uses copious amounts of HTML5 and CSS3.
- Mac:
git clone; "/Applications/Google Chrome" --allow-file-access-from-files sample-registration-form/index.html
- Linux:
git clone; chromium -allow-file-access-from-files sample-registration-form/index.html
- Windows:
git clone & start chrome -allow-file-access-from-files file:///PATH/TO/INDEX.HTML
. Please correct the path so that it points to the downloaded index.html.
- CORS issues (caused by local less and RequireJS assets) requires Chrome/Chromium to be launched as: chromium -allow-file-access-from-files.
- "First Name"/"Last Name" may not be sensible for names that come from certain cultures
- Regular expressions used in patterns probably don't work with certain edge cases.
- Validation breaks with Mac/Chrome autofill
- Progress bar animation doesn't work in Mac/Chrome
- Unit testing for JS modules. Should have done TDD, really.
- Create mixins (or polyfills) to implement unsupported HTML5/CSS3
- Move script/styles dependency pairs into their own directories? Does RequireJS make this easy/doable?
- Use browser geolocation API to auto-detect city/state/zip code (and apply style showing these were auto-populated and should be reviewed by the user)
- Coerce state input into upper-case
- Autocomplete the "State" input
- Autocomplete the "Suffix" field with a list of common suffixes
- Autofill City/State/Zip code fields as soon as possible (by hitting some kind of address verification service)
- Show progress within step (increment progress bar for each field inputted)