JUring is a high-performance Java library that provides bindings to Linux's io_uring asynchronous I/O interface using Java's Foreign Function & Memory API. Doing Random reads JUring achieves 87.38% better performance than Java NIO FileChannel operations for local files and 86.92% better performance for remote files.
The following benchmarks show the improvement of using io_uring over Java built-in I/O. The test ran on a Linux machine with 32 cores, a nvme SSD, and a mounted remote directory.
Local file performance:
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
BenchMarkLibUring.libUring thrpt 5 1254.746 ± 73.478 ops/ms
BenchMarkLibUring.libUringBlocking thrpt 5 1020.513 ± 2.938 ops/ms
BenchMarkLibUring.readUsingFileChannel thrpt 5 669.598 ± 28.463 ops/ms
BenchMarkLibUring.readUsingFileChannelVirtualThreads thrpt 5 697.685 ± 4.763 ops/ms
JUring achieves 87.38% higher throughput compared to using FileChannel. The blocking api performs 52.4% better.
When testing with remote files (network mounted storage), io_uring performs 86.92% better than FileChannels.
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
BenchMarkLibUring.libUring thrpt 5 1.539 ± 1.132 ops/ms
BenchMarkLibUring.libUringBlocking thrpt 5 1.987 ± 0.092 ops/ms
BenchMarkLibUring.readUsingFileChannel thrpt 5 1.063 ± 0.637 ops/ms
BenchMarkLibUring.readUsingFileChannelVirtualThreads thrpt 5 1.096 ± 0.838 ops/ms
The remote machine uses HDD and is connected with a Cat 5E cable to the machine running the benchmarks. The benchmarks were run using a maximum of 5 threads, using more threads opened too many file descriptors.
The benchmarks are conducted using JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness) with the following parameters:
- Each test performs 2300 operations per invocation
- Tests using local files ran with 32 threads
- Tests using remote files ran with 5 threads (Linux threw errors when using more threads to run the FileChannel and io_uring example)
- Queue depth of 2500 for io_uring operations
- Fixed read size of 4KB (4096 bytes)
- Random offsets within files
- Initializing the rings is done outside the benchmark
The benchmark includes three main scenarios:
- Non-blocking io_uring (libUring): Direct io_uring operations
- Blocking io_uring (libUringBlocking): io_uring with a blocking API
- FileChannel (readUsingFileChannel): Standard Java NIO file operations
For full benchmark details and methodology, see BenchMarkLibUring.java in the source code.
- Linux kernel 5.1 or higher
- liburing installed
- Java 22 or higher (for Foreign Function & Memory API)
There are two ways to use JUring, there is the direct and blocking API. The direct API lets you prepare entries that you match with results based on id. The blocking API is built with virtual threads in mind, blocking/unmounting them while they wait for a result.
Reading from a file:
// Blocking API Example
try (JUringBlocking io = new JUringBlocking(32)) {
FileDescriptor fd = new FileDescriptor("input.txt", Flag.READ, 0);
// Read file
BlockingReadResult result = io.prepareRead(fd, 1024, 0);
MemorySegment buffer = result.getBuffer();
// Process buffer...
// Non-blocking API Example
try (JUring io = new JUring(32)) {
FileDescriptor fd = new FileDescriptor("input.txt", Flag.READ, 0);
long id = io.prepareRead(fd, 1024, 0);
Result result = io.waitForResult();
if (result instanceof ReadResult r) {
MemorySegment buffer = r.getBuffer();
long resultId = r.getId();
// Process buffer...
Write to a file
// Blocking API Example
try (JUringBlocking io = new JUringBlocking(32)) {
FileDescriptor fd = new FileDescriptor("output.txt", Flag.WRITE, 0);
byte[] data = "Hello, World!".getBytes();
BlockingWriteResult writeResult = io.prepareWrite(fd, data, 0);
long bytesWritten = writeResult.getResult();
System.out.println("Wrote " + bytesWritten + " bytes");
// Non-blocking API Example
try (JUring io = new JUring(32)) {
byte[] data = "Hello, World!".getBytes();
FileDescriptor fd = new FileDescriptor("output.txt", Flag.WRITE, 0);
long id = io.prepareWrite(fd, data, 0);
Result result = io.waitForResult();
if (result instanceof WriteResult w) {
long bytesWritten = w.getResult();
System.out.println("Wrote " + bytesWritten + " bytes from opartion with id: " + result.getId());
Both APIs follow a similar pattern of operations:
- Initialization: Create an io_uring instance with a specified queue depth. The queue depth determines how big the submission and completion queue can be.
try (JUringBlocking io = new JUringBlocking(32)) {}
- Opening a File: Open a file you want to perform the operations on. The file has to stay open for the entire duration of the operation.
implements the autocloseable interface.
FileDescriptor fd = new FileDescriptor("output.txt", Flag.WRITE, 0);
- Prepare Operation: Tell io_uring what operation you want to perform. This will add it to the submission queue.
BlockingReadResult result = io.prepareRead(fd, 1024, 0);
- Submit: tell IO_Uring to start working on the prepared entries.
- Getting results: Get operations results
// Blocking
MemorySegment buffer = result.getBuffer();
// non-blocking
Result result = io.waitForResult();
- Cleanup buffers: Free read buffer
For read operations it is necessary to free the buffer that lives inside the result. The buffers are created using malloc and are not managed by an arena. They are MemorySegments, so it is possible to have them cleaned up when an area closes.
Freeing buffers is not necessary for write operations, these buffers are automatically freed when the operation is seen in the completion queue by JUring.
- Cleanup File descriptors: After performing all the operations you need to close the file descriptors. It implements the
interface to use it with the try-with-resource statement
JURing is not thread safe, from what I read about io_uring there should only be one instance per thread. I want to copy this behaviour to not deviate too much from how io_works. The completion and submission queue used by io_uring don't support multiple threads writing to them at the same time. Preparing operations or waiting for completions should be done by a single thread. Processing the results/buffers is thread safe.
- Creating an instance takes a few of milliseconds, I am working on minimizing this creation time.
- The current implementation has higher memory usage than ideal. This is a known issue that I'm actively working on improving.
- Pooling of rings.
- Adding more io_uring features
- File modes and flags
- Adding a blocking-api for local files
- Improved memory cleanup strategies (smart MemorySegments)
- Encoding support
- Support for sockets