Easy to use timing info machine for your application.
- Include it at the beginning of your app. --
include 'timer.php';
$chrono = new timer;
- Start different timers --
- Place checkpoints -- You can add them to the global timer, or a predefined timer. To add checkpoint to the global, just leave the second parameter. Global timer started when the $chrono object was created.
- Get the informations -- To get timing infos about a defined timer call showme() with the timer's name.
- Timing informations --
Format: [cp_name] - [elapsed] - [duration] - [place]
[cp_name] - The name of the checkpoint.
[elapsed] - Elpsed time till previous checkpoint or the timer creation if it's the first checkpoint.
[duration] - Elapsed till the timer creation.
[place] - The place of the calling add_cp() function. If you forget where to find the checkpoint.
- Information display -- There are three different displaying method.
0 - No output. So you can turn off the timing info table. You don't need to delete timer class function calls.
1 - Output to source. Informations show up in HTML comment. Useful if you use method 0, but you have to get
infos without disturbing site viewers. Use $chrono->set_output(1) with some secret $_REQUEST parameter or else...
2 - Development mode. Infos displayed in plain text.
- Example --
Example code to understand using.
include 'debug.php';
$chrono = new timer;
$chrono->add_timer('timer1'); //start a new timer name timer1
$chrono->add_cp('cp1_1','timer1'); //create cp for timer1
$chrono->add_timer('for_loop'); //create a timer for the measuring time in loop
if($i==3) sleep(1); //some extra time
$chrono->add_cp('in_the_loop_'.$i,'for_loop'); //create cp for loop
$chrono->add_cp('end'); //tricky cp. This on belons to global started in line 3
$chrono->showme(); // show all the timers
$chrono->showme('for_loop'); //show only the loop timer's cps
And the output:
PHP timer class output
Checkpoint infos for timer: global
end - 6.999846 - 6.999846 - var/www/timer/index.php:16
Checkpoint infos for timer: timer1
cp1_1 - 0.99962 - 0.99962 - var/www/timer/index.php:8
Checkpoint infos for timer: for_loop
in_the_loop_0 - 0.999971 - 0.999971 - var/www/timer/index.php:14
in_the_loop_1 - 1.000035 - 2.000006 - var/www/timer/index.php:14
in_the_loop_2 - 1.00001 - 3.000016 - var/www/timer/index.php:14
in_the_loop_3 - 2.000047 - 5.000063 - var/www/timer/index.php:14
in_the_loop_4 - 1.000021 - 6.000084 - var/www/timer/index.php:14
PHP timer class output
Checkpoint infos for timer: for_loop
in_the_loop_0 - 0.999971 - 0.999971 - var/www/timer/index.php:14
in_the_loop_1 - 1.000035 - 2.000006 - var/www/timer/index.php:14
in_the_loop_2 - 1.00001 - 3.000016 - var/www/timer/index.php:14
in_the_loop_3 - 2.000047 - 5.000063 - var/www/timer/index.php:14
in_the_loop_4 - 1.000021 - 6.000084 - var/www/timer/index.php:14