Remote controller for LAN
Remote controller for LAN, based on kivy and PyUserInput .
Basic implement thought :
- Client : Send key combination information in LAN
- Server : Explain key combination information and excute key combinations
Things will work on all kinds of devices involved with keyboard.
python -m pip install git+
we do not use master here to avoid dependency on pyHook for python3 on windows (not neccessary && convenient)
python -m pip install pypiwin32
this is used for windows server
if --no-ui is given to server, then kivy is not neccessary
You can install LRC directly by pip :
python -m pip install LRC
Or install LRC from git:
python -m pip install git+
All packages can directly get from here:
Run the following commands, packages will be found in ./dist
cd scripts
python -m build
All built packages will be found in ./dist
make sure PythonXXX/Scripts/ in your system search path
call lrcserver --no-ui start_lrc
to start server
call lrcclient
to start client
type lrcserver -h
or lrcclient -h
for help
- use pydroid
copy the directory extracted from ./history_packages/LRCClient-x.x.x-Android.tar.gz to /sdcard/kivy,
then run with kivy Laucher or pydroid (require kivy 1.10.1)
- use built apk
rename collections to lrccollections to avoid name conflict with matplotlib
replace argument parse process with ArgumentParser from argparse