We are trying to a create a social network platform so that people willing to donate anything can get all information about events being organized by NGOs in their region/localities. They can follow, like, comment on events and share events being organized by NGOs through other social media platforms like facebook, whatsapp, twitter, etc. The users who have already subscribed to NGOs will get live feeds about the event posted by NGO's. This is the Backend of our Application where we are constantly working on creating Api for our Ionic Application We-Donate
To run We Donate you'll need:
You will need to fork the project and clone it locally, then go to We-Donate
$ git clone git@github.com:YOUR_USERNAME/We-Donate.git
$ cd We-Donate
Then install the dependencies and run the development environment
$ npm i
$ npm run dev
You can use postman to check the API endpoints.
To run the tests locally, use the standard npm command:
$ npm test
Feel free to raise an issue about a bug or new feature you would like to see in this project.
If you are willing to do some work, we will be glad to accept your PR.
This project is Licensed under the MIT License (MIT).