A web application made using Python 3, Django 2, Bootstrap and REST API. It's website about technology where user can find interesting news (displayed used API), add new games to database and find new titles (using recommendation feature).
- displaying gaming and tech news - updated every few hours using API
- adding new users and games to database
- recommending new games based on user's preferences
- Python 3.7
- Django 2.1.2
- Bootstrap 4
- Django REST Framework
- Celery
- Redis
- AWS S3
- Travis CI
To run this project:
- Create PostgreSQL database
- Rename settings.ini.example to settings.ini and fill required fields.
- Install required libraries using pip:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Apply migrations::
$ python manage.py migrate
- To run your local server use command:
$ python manage.py runserver
To run asynchronous tasks:
- Install Redis
- Start Redis server:
$ redis-server
- Open new terminal tab
- Go to project root
- Start Celery worker:
$ celery -A final_project_coderslab worker -l info
To run periodic tasks:
- Open new terminal tab
- Go to project root
- Start Celery beat:
$ celery -A final_project_coderslab beat -l info
Gaming and tech news updated every few hours using API from sites like: Polygon, IGN, The Verge and TechRadar
Games recommendation based on user's preferences