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[dropdown] Add polish & documentation
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kimo-k committed Jun 17, 2024
1 parent 111871c commit 3e08afc
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Showing 7 changed files with 336 additions and 97 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions .cljfmt.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
{:extra-indents {re-com.theme/apply [[:inner 0]]
themed [[:inner 0]]}}
{:extra-indents {re-com.theme/apply [[:inner 0]]
themed [[:inner 0]]
re-com.theme/<-props [[:inner 0]]}}
302 changes: 226 additions & 76 deletions src/re_com/dropdown.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
[re-com.util :as u :refer [deref-or-value position-for-id item-for-id ->v]]
[ :refer [align-style flex-child-style v-box h-box box]]
[re-com.validate :refer [vector-of-maps? css-style? html-attr? parts? number-or-string? log-warning
string-or-hiccup? position? position-options-list] :refer-macros [validate-args-macro]]
string-or-hiccup? position? position-options-list part?] :refer-macros [validate-args-macro]]
[re-com.popover :refer [popover-tooltip]]
[clojure.string :as string]
[react :as react]
Expand All @@ -19,11 +19,153 @@
;; Inspiration:
;; Alternative:

(defn anchor-part [{:keys [label placeholder state theme]}]
[:a (theme/props {:state state :part ::anchor} theme)
(or label placeholder "Select an item")])
(def dropdown-parts-desc
(when include-args-desc?
[{:impl "[v-box]"
:level 0
:name :wrapper
:notes "Outer wrapper."}
{:name :backdrop
:impl "user-defined"
:level 1
:notes "Transparent, clickable backdrop. Shown when the dropdown is open."}
{:name :anchor-wrapper
:impl "[box]"
:level 1
:notes "Wraps the :anchor part. Opens or closes the dropdown when clicked."}
{:name :anchor
:impl "user-defined"
:level 2
:notes "Displays the :label or :placeholder."}
{:name :body-wrapper
:impl "[box]"
:level 1
:notes "Wraps the :body part. Provides intelligent positioning."}
{:name :body
:impl "user-defined"
:level 2
:notes "Shown when the dropdown is open."}]))

(def dropdown-parts
(when include-args-desc?
(-> (map :name dropdown-parts-desc) set)))

(def dropdown-args-desc
(when include-args-desc?
[{:description "True when the dropdown is open."
:name :model
:required false
:type "boolean | r/atom"}
"Called when the dropdown opens or closes."
:name :on-change
:required false
:type "boolean -> nil"
:validate-fn fn?}
{:name :anchor
:type "part"
:validate-fn part?
:required? false
[:span "String, hiccup or function. When a function, acceps keyword args "
[:code ":placholder"] ", "
[:code ":label"] ", "
[:code ":theme"] ", "
[:code ":parts"] ", "
[:code ":state"] " "
" and "
[:code ":transition!"]
". Returns either a string or hiccup, which shows within the clickable dropdown box."]}
{:name :backdrop
:required? false
:type "part"
:validate-fn part?
:description (str "Displays when the dropdown is open. By default, renders a "
"transparent overlay. Clicking this overlay closes the dropdown. "
"When a function, :backdrop is passed the same keyword arguments "
"as :anchor.")}
{:name :body
:required? false
:type "part"
:validate-fn part?
:description (str "Displays when the dropdown is open. "
"Appears either above or below the :anchor, "
"depending on available screen-space. When a function, "
":body is passed the same keyword arguments as :anchor.")}
{:name :disabled?
:required false
:type "boolean | r/atom"}
{:default 0
:description "component's tabindex. A value of -1 removes from order"
:name :tab-index
:required false
:type "integer | string"
:validate-fn number-or-string?}
{:description "height of the :anchor-wrapper part"
:name :anchor-height
:required false
:type "integer | string"
:validate-fn number-or-string?}
{:description "height of the :body-wrapper part"
:name :height
:required false
:type "integer | string"
:validate-fn number-or-string?}
{:description "min-height of the :body-wrapper part"
:name :min-height
:required false
:type "integer | string"
:validate-fn number-or-string?}
{:description "max-height of the :body-wrapper part"
:name :max-height
:required false
:type "integer | string"
:validate-fn number-or-string?}
{:description "width of the :anchor-wrapper and :body-wrapper parts"
:name :width
:required false
:type "integer | string"
:validate-fn number-or-string?}
{:description "min-width of the :anchor-wrapper and :body-wrapper parts"
:name :min-width
:required false
:type "integer | string"
:validate-fn number-or-string?}
{:description "max-width of the :anchor-wrapper and :body-wrapper parts"
:name :max-width
:required false
:type "integer | string"
:validate-fn number-or-string?}
{:description (str "passed as a prop to the :anchor part. The default :anchor "
"part will display :label inside a the clickable dropdown box.")
:name :label
:required false
:type "string | hiccup"}
{:default "\"Select an item\""
:description (str "passed as a prop to the :anchor part. The default :anchor part will "
"show :placeholder in the clickable box if there is no :label.")
:name :placeholder
:required false
:type "string | hiccup"}
{:description "See Parts section below."
:name :parts
:required false
:type "map"
:validate-fn (parts? dropdown-parts)}
{:name :theme
:description "alpha"}
{:name :main-theme
:description "alpha"}
{:name :theme-vars
:description "alpha"}
{:name :base-theme
:description "alpha"}]))

(defn anchor [{:keys [label placeholder state theme transition!]}]
[:a (theme/props {:state state :part ::anchor :transition! transition!} theme)
(or label placeholder)])

(defn backdrop-part [{:keys [state transition!]}]
(defn backdrop [{:keys [state transition!]}]
(fn [{:keys [dropdown-open? state theme parts]}]
[:div (theme/props {:transition! transition! :state state :part ::backdrop} theme)]))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,7 +200,7 @@
best-y (case v-pos :low a-h :high (- p-h))]
[best-x best-y]))

(defn body-wrapper [{:keys [state parts theme anchor-ref popover-ref anchor-position]} & children]
(defn body-wrapper [{:keys [state theme anchor-ref popover-ref anchor-position]} & children]
(let [set-popover-ref! #(reset! popover-ref %)
optimize-position! #(reset! anchor-position (optimize-position! @anchor-ref @popover-ref))
mounted! #(do
Expand All @@ -76,15 +218,12 @@
(let [[left top] (or @anchor-position [0 0])]
{:ref set-popover-ref!
:style {:z-index 99999
:position "absolute"
:top (str top "px")
:left (str left "px")
:opacity (if @anchor-position 1 0)
:transition "opacity 0.2s"}}
(theme/apply {:state state :part ::body-wrapper} theme))]
(theme/apply {}
{:state (merge state {:top top
:left left
:ref set-popover-ref!})
:part ::body-wrapper}

(defn dropdown
Expand All @@ -94,72 +233,83 @@
(let [[focused? anchor-ref popover-ref anchor-position] (repeatedly #(reagent/atom nil))
anchor-ref! #(reset! anchor-ref %)
transitionable (reagent/atom
(if @model :in :out))]
(if (deref-or-value model) :in :out))]
(fn dropdown-render
[& {:keys [disabled? on-change tab-index
width height min-width max-width min-height max-height anchor-height
label placeholder
anchor backdrop body
parts style theme main-theme theme-vars base-theme]
parts theme main-theme theme-vars base-theme
:or {placeholder "Select an item"}
:as args}]
(let [theme {:variables theme-vars
:base base-theme
:main main-theme
:user [theme (theme/parts parts)]}
state {:openable (if @model :open :closed)
:enable (if disabled? :disabled :enabled)
:tab-index tab-index
:focusable (if @focused? :focused :blurred)
:transitionable @transitionable}
open! (if on-change
(handler-fn (on-change true))
(handler-fn (reset! model true)))
close! (if on-change
(handler-fn (on-change false))
(handler-fn (reset! model false)))
transition! (fn [k]
((case k
:toggle (if (-> state :openable (= :open)) open! close!)
:open open!
:close close!
:focus #(reset! focused? true)
:blur #(reset! focused? false)
:enter #(js/setTimeout (fn [] (reset! transitionable :in)) 50)
:exit #(js/setTimeout (fn [] (reset! transitionable :out)) 50))))
themed (fn [part props] (theme/apply props
{:state state
:part part
:transition! transition!}
part-props {:placeholder placeholder
:transition! transition!
:label label
:theme theme
:parts parts
:state state}]
(themed ::wrapper
{:src (at)
:style {:height anchor-height}
[(when (= :open (:openable state))
[u/part backdrop part-props backdrop-part])
(themed ::anchor-wrapper
{:src (at)
:style {:padding "unset"
:width "100%"}
:attr {:ref anchor-ref!
:on-click #(swap! model not)}
:child [u/part anchor part-props anchor-part]})]
(when (= :open (:openable state))
[body-wrapper {:anchor-ref anchor-ref
:popover-ref popover-ref
:anchor-position anchor-position
:parts parts
:state state
:theme theme}
[u/part body part-props]])]})]))))
(or (validate-args-macro dropdown-args-desc args)
(let [state {:openable (if (deref-or-value model) :open :closed)
:enable (if disabled? :disabled :enabled)
:tab-index tab-index
:focusable (if (deref-or-value focused?) :focused :blurred)
:transitionable @transitionable}
open! (if on-change
(handler-fn (on-change true))
#(reset! model true))
close! (if on-change
(handler-fn (on-change false))
#(reset! model false))
transition! (fn [k]
(case k
:toggle (if (-> state :openable (= :open))
:open (open!)
:close (close!)
:focus (reset! focused? true)
:blur (reset! focused? false)
:enter (js/setTimeout (fn [] (reset! transitionable :in)) 50)
:exit (js/setTimeout (fn [] (reset! transitionable :out)) 50)))
theme {:variables theme-vars
:base base-theme
:main main-theme
:user [theme
(theme/parts parts)
(theme/<-props (merge args {:height anchor-height})
{:part ::anchor-wrapper
:exclude [:max-height :min-height]})
(theme/<-props args
{:part ::body-wrapper
:include [:width :min-width
:min-height :max-height]})]}
themed (fn [part props & [special-theme]]
(theme/apply props
{:state state
:part part
:transition! transition!}
(or special-theme theme)))
part-props {:placeholder placeholder
:transition! transition!
:label label
:theme theme
:parts parts
:state state}]
(themed ::wrapper
{:src (at)
[(when (= :open (:openable state))
[u/part backdrop part-props re-com.dropdown/backdrop])
(themed ::anchor-wrapper
{:src (at)
:attr {:ref anchor-ref!}
:child [u/part anchor part-props re-com.dropdown/anchor]})]
(when (= :open (:openable state))
[body-wrapper {:anchor-ref anchor-ref
:popover-ref popover-ref
:anchor-position anchor-position
:parts parts
:state state
:theme theme}
[u/part body part-props]])]})])))))

(defn- move-to-new-choice
"In a vector of maps (where each map has an :id), return the id of the choice offset posititions away
Expand Down

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