Releases: dayanch96/YTLite
YouTube Plus 5.1
Added option to display mute button in player overlay
Added option to display lock screen button in player overlay (#165)
Added option to prefer stable volume when downloading media
Added option to remove identifiers from sharing links
Added option to download Shorts from the previews in feed
Added option for embedding thumbnails into downloaded videos
Added new tab support - Posts
Added option to enable translucent tab bar
Optimized tab bar for the new theme
Added OLED dark keyboard (#201)
Added progress bar theming: Solid color, Gradient color and Scrubber color selection (#214)
Added option to remove Subscribe/Unsubscribe button under player (#162)
Added options to remove Share, Thanks, Remix, Download, Clip, Save and Report buttons (#161)
Added image viewer:
- Show full-size post in image viewer
- Show full-size profile picture in image viewer
- Show video thumbnail in image viewer
Advanced Shorts elements settings is back (some requested in #164):
- Added options to remove Subscriptions, Live, Trends and Shopping buttons in paused states
- Added options to remove Like, Dislike, Comment, Share and Remix buttons from actions bar
- Added options to remove Suggestions, Username, Description, Source, Audio indicator and Follow button
Improved downloading functions
Improved YouTube Plus player menu
Improved caption selection, fixed issues with Captions button in overlay (#203)
Improved settings section for the new theme (#217)
Fixed random crashes in feed when SponsorBlock segments for feed enabled (#183)
Fixed random crashes in shorts when legacy pip mode in YouPiP enabled
Fixed crashes when tapping on Share (#202)
Fixed option that removes "Play next in queue" option in the menu (#230)
Fixed bug related to stopping playback if auto-stopping was selected
Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash when attempting to download a video (#229)
Fixed shorts interface issue (#227)
Fixed missing SponsorBlock segments in player bar and in feed (#224)
Fixed Save or Share video sheet's layout on iPads
iPad mini-player style now brings back old mini-player (#215)
iPhone mini-player style now brings back legacy iPhone mini-player (#215)
More posts to hide
Removed more ads
Removed Old UI option since it broken completely (#220)
Remove inline comment and Remove videos under player options moved to the player settings
SponsorBlock enabled by default
Special thanks section
Now you can choose to not show Incompatible tweaks pop-up for the current version of YouTube Plus
Added Korean localization support (Thanks to @pshyomin)
Added Polish localization support (Thanks to @marcinmajsc)
YouTube Plus 5.0.2
- Added Italian localization support (#176) (Thank you to @basketshoe)
- Added an option to always select the original language captions (#167)
- Fixed an issue where enabling the "Hide more topics" option caused a blank home page (#159)
- Fixed an issue where manually scrolling Shorts would scroll two at a time (#163)
- Fixed a crash issue when selecting a Short's preferred video quality (#172)
- Fixed a bug with ambient mode (#170)
YouTube Plus 5.0.1
YouTube Plus 5.0
- New settings UI
- Added SponsorBlock
- Added clear cache on startup option (YouTube Plus preferences)
- Added Turkish localization support
- Added audio-track selection for downloading
- Added option to download and embed captions, including auto-generated and translated captions
- Added post-download actions
- Added download button placement selection (Overlay, under player or both)
- Fixed rare crash issues on removed YouTube logo
- Improved 'Hide cast button' option
- Added option to remove live videos from the feed
- Added option to remove mix playlists from the feed
- Added option to remove horizontal feed
- Added preferred audio track selection support
- Added preferred captions selection support
- Added option to remember loop mode
- Added left side, right side and horizontal gestures
- Added quality selection support
- Added playback mode selection support
- Added option to limit shorts count in feed (queue)
- Added option to remove live videos from feed (queue)
- Fixed crashes on newest youtube versions
- Revamped tab bar section
- Added reordering tab support
- Added 'Watch later' and 'History' tabs
- Improved removing indicators option
- Improved Oled theme
- Added option to remove pinned guidelines in comments
- Added interface style selection support
- Added minibar style selection support
YTLite (Plus) v4.0.1
Added ability to play videos in external players (System, Infuse, VLC)
Added option to keep Shorts videos in the
tab (#91) -
Added ability to open shorts as regular videos using YTPlus menu button in Shorts
Added ability to enable/disable auto-skip shorts option using YTPlus menu button in Shorts
Added option to disable Autoplay end-screen recommendation (Enabling this option will also disable autoplay next video feature)
Improved Shorts downloading which directly downloads
best mp4 video
Improved YTPlus button compatibility with the latest YouTube versions
Improved YTPlus button compatibility with Inline muted playback (Player that displayed on video thumbnail)
Fixed blank space issues on the big screens (#105)
Fixed crashes when trying to show share sheet on iPad devices
Updated localization strings (#106)
Corrected some localization strings (#112)
Fixed an issue that caused the search bar to disappear (#117)
YTLite (Plus) v4.0
Downloading feature
Tweak UI improvements
Added some player gestures
Added Import/Export settings feature (Tweak preferences)
Added Old/New UI toggle (Version spoofing)
Added options to remove community posts and inline comment under the player
Added OLED dark mode support
Added option to speed up Shorts
Lite version temporarily disabled
Fixed blank screen issue (Thanks to @PoomSmart for the
Removed version spoofing on extra speed options and classic video quality as unneeded
Fixed issues related to Disable auto-caption feature
Fixed crashes related to Auto-quality feature
YTLite 3.0.1
- Fixed random crashes when auto-skip shorts option enabled
YTLite 3.0
- Added option to set premium logo
- Added option to show ios volume hud in fullscreen mode
- Added option to show end time in player bar
- Added option to disable two finger double tap (snap to next chapter)
- Added option to pause playback with overlay
- Added option to auto-skip to next shorts video
- Added option to call ios share sheet instead of yt's (Thanks to @jkhsjdhjs)
- Added Hold to speed customization feature
- Added Default playback rate selection feature
- Added the ability to show/hide the "You" tab (without it, settings is unreachable). Activates by long pressing on the Home tab.
- Added the ability to instantly apply tab settings
- Switched to custom UserDefaults class by extending NSUserDefaults (Thanks to @danpashin)
- Added a category to NSBundle for accessing a default bundle instance (Thanks to @danpashin)
YTLite 2.7
- Auto select quality for Wifi and Cellular data (Default, Best or Custom quality)
- Added options to hide Download, Watch later, Save to Playlist, Share, Not interested, Don't recommend and report buttons from the video menu
- Added options to hide Remix, Clip and Download buttons under the video player (Thanks to @PoomSmart)
- Save Post image moved to Post manager (long tap on post)
- Improved YTLite UI
YTLite 2.6.3
- Copy comment text feature replaced with Comment manager: Copy comment text or save/copy comment as image
- Fixed copy comment issue