A variant of rock, paper, or scissors but with a middle earth perspective. This will be pure HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Created by Dao Vo
- Game begins when user loads into the webpage.
- When user clicks on one of the three buttons that action will be recorded on the scoreboard
- add event listeners for the 3 choices that holds the function playRound
- choices selected by user and opponent will be displayed below in a div along with results.
- in the 1v1 section winner will have a background of green and the loser with red.
- when user finishes five rounds then the game will end with the score and option to play again.
- clear the battle board after a full game is played
- find and add better for paper and scissor images
- adjust layout so the scoreboard is nested undernearth the battleground and between the two player's fighers
- add ui section where fighters chosen will appear each round with winner & loser highlighted
- game is function with UI
- get game to initiate
- have fun