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Releases: dbalsom/fluxfox

fluxfox png2disk and imgviz utilities v0.1.0

28 Nov 20:29
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A release of two fluxfox-powered utilities, png2disk and imgviz.

png2disk can write PNG images onto the surface of a floppy disk. This is mostly for novelty or art purposes.
imgviz will produce a PNG visualization of a disk image.

For more info on png2disk:

My browser says the file is infected!

I have been facing a constant battle with Microsoft Defender and SmartScreen over false positives in my compiled Rust code, usually under the WACATAC signature.
This is not a real virus definition, but a machine-learning heuristic incredibly prone to false positives. You can see how many there are here:

The executables in this release are signed by a Comodo signature.

Here is a virustotal result for the zip attached to this release:

Here is the virustotal scan for the individual EXE files inside:

As you can see, ONLY Microsoft has an issue, and ONLY the ZIP itself triggers the false positive, NOT the executables, therefore you may avoid getting a browser warning by directly downloading the executables below.

It's incredibly frustrating. If you still have any reservations, please build these utilities from source.

EDIT: I submitted a false-positive report and it seems that MS is no longer detecting the ZIP. Leaving this warning in place just in case it comes back.